The Cost Sharing screen provides a Distribution List section used to allocate any cost sharing committed in the prime or subaward budget to the appropriate source (account). If the system parameter (Force Cost Sharing Distribution) has been set to require distribution, the Kuali Research budget cannot be set to complete status until cost share amounts are distributed. A hard data validation error will appear onscreen to ask you to distribute cost share expense. Distributing cost sharing means providing account numbers or codes to indicate the responsible party(s) for supporting the expense. This section allows you to distribute the cost share by dollar amount to specified source account(s) and specified project periods. A summary of committed cost share by individual budget periods and a project total can be displayed. If any cost sharing was manually entered in the Subaward Details table, the amounts are included in the distribution list; the ‘view subaward cost share’ button provides the details for each subaward so that you may add cost sharing rows to the list to designate the subaward portions.
Note, some field and validation requirements may be different based on an institution's configuration for the cost share to account functionality. More information on this functionality can be found in the Cost Share to Account article.
Cost Sharing
A single row is generated on distribution list for each budget period where cost sharing has been incurred. A Source/Account must be added for each row, and the amounts must resolve the Total Unallocated to zero to pass the validation requirement. The percentage field is not required, but may be entered as a reference. If you wish to distribute the amount for a budget period to more than one source, use the +Add Cost Sharing button to enter a new line in the list. If only one line is needed per budget period, begin the distribution by clicking in the row you wish to maintain.
Add Cost Share
When the +Add Cost Sharing button is clicked it will open an entry window where you can enter the appropriate fields of entry:
- Period - select the appropriate budget period from the dropdown.
- Percentage - used as an additional reference if desired.
- Source Account - account responsible for the commitment (i.e. code/account/dept./college/etc.). Depending on how you've configured this may be linked to the Account table.
- Amount - numeric value of the commitment.
- Unit - if configured, this field will allow you to look up a unit responsible from the Unit table which could also have workflow implications depending on how you've configured.
- Cost Share Type - if configured, you can select the type of cost share.
To remove a cost sharing row click on the trashcan icon in the Actions column at the end of the period row. Note that this will only remove the period row from the distribution list. The amount previously listed in the row will be added to the Total Unallocated field at the bottom of the list and must be allocated to clear the validation and mark the budget complete.
Other Action Buttons & Fields
- View Summary - will open a window with all cost share information entered viewable in a more concise window for review.
- View Subaward Cost Share - will open a window with information entered in the Subawards Details Cost Share column for each subaward uploaded/maintained in that screen. Each subaward will appear in a separate table, even if cost share amounts were only added in one. Use the information as a reference for distributing their portion appearing in the proposal’s cost share distribution list.
- Reset to Default - will refresh the distribution screen to one row per period. Any previous work will be deleted and replaced by the blank percentage and source fields.
- Cost Share Comment - if configured this field will display and allow users to enter more explanation or description for the cost share commitments to aid in review.
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