Use this screen to add the personnel expenses to your budget. Use the ‘Assign Personnel’ button to select a project person defined in the previous Project Personnel screen and enter their specifics like which cost element, revise the start and end dates if they should not be the default project dates, and there percentage of effort and charged effort. Add all the personnel that will recur in every project period so the system will populate their inflated salaries to the later budget periods when you use the Autocalculate Periods function (if inflation is selected/configured). You should wait to Autocalculate ALL period 1 expenses, not after just adding the Period 1 personnel.
Standard budgets start by assigning project personnel to period 1, adding the non-personnel expenses (see next section), and then generating the ‘out-years’ using the Autocalculate Periods tool. Once the periods have been populated with the inflated salaries and other expenses, the user can open the individual budget periods to make adjustments, e.g. add a person that starts in period 3 of a 5 year project and apply their effort to later periods, add an equipment item in period 2 only, change the calculated inflation amount of the travel expenses, add a subaward, etc.
Assign Personnel to Periods
Within the Assign Personnel to Periods tab you can view, edit, or add new expenses related to personnel costs for your budget. The Period tabs across the top appear for each project period defined for this proposal based on the Start and End dates defined in the Proposal Details. Upon initial navigation it will default to Period 1 but the other periods are accessible by clicking on the desired period tab.
The Calculate Current Period button will have the system reprocess all calculations and the Assign Personnel button will allow you to add additional line items to your budget.
Below outlines the functionality available in the Assign Personnel to Periods tab of the proposal budget.
Assign Personnel
Use the Assign Personnel button to add personnel salary expense line items to your budget. There are two methods available when adding personnel expenses. The first method is to select a person maintained as Project Personnel with defined effort and details for the system to calculate the salary. Selecting a project person is the standard approach and is necessary for forms and sponsors that require names and effort details. The other method is to select ‘Summary’ which requires users to manually enter a salary amount. Using the summary option is available for unusual budget situations where calculations and specific personnel details are not required. Be aware you cannot apply inflation to summary line items.
Within the Add Personnel to Period panel it has the following fields available:
- Person: Select the desired Person, TBA, or Summary
- Automate lines for Appointment: If you have configured a Start and End Date in the Appointment Type table and the person selected falls into one of these appointment types then you will get this checkbox option. If checked, upon click Assign to Period two or more lines will automatically be added to the budget for that person in the selected job code.
- Object Code: Choose the appropriate object code for the expense
- Group: If you want to add this line item into an existing group or create a new one use this field; is not required. Grouping expenses allows you to make them separate from other expenses under the same object code when they display on the Assign Personnel to Periods tab. In addition to visually grouping them separately it also gives you access to the Details & Rates functionality for only that group of expenses so you can configure them independently from other costs in the same object code.
- Start Date: Defaults the period start date but you can change the date as desired (must be in MM/DD/YYYY format).
- End Date: Defaults the period end date but you can change the date as desired (must be in MM/DD/YYYY format).
- Effort %: The total percentage of effort for this person on this project for the period.
- Charged %: The total percentage of effort for this person on this project that is charged to the sponsor and being requested in your application. If Effort percentage is greater than Charged percentage then the difference is automatically calculated as cost sharing.
- Period Type: Will dictate what column the person month calculation will map in S2S budget forms.
Clicking on the Assign to Period button will add the personnel line item to your budget for the given period. Once added you can edit with the Details and Details & Rates buttons (more info below) or remove the line item completely by using the trashcan icon to delete.
Edit Assigned Personnel
Once project personnel have been assigned to periods there are two windows available to adjust elements of the expense via the Details and Details & Rates links. These allow you to adjust aspects of the calculation, where the line item will populate on sponsor forms, if the generated cost sharing should populate to forms, and a tool to apply a line item to later periods when those later periods already exist. The Details window for each assigned person, accessed by clicking the Details button in their row. The (General) Details & Rates window for each default cost object group or custom group and impacts all persons within that group.
To edit the specific line item for the assigned person click the Details button in their row which will open a popup window with additional details:
Some information about the project person will appear in read only format: person’s name, role, appointment type, salary effective date. The editable details in this window are the following:
- Period Type: The Period Type will drive how the salary will be calculated; over a 12 month period, 9 month period, summer, etc. depending on your configuration.
- Start Date: Defaults the period start date but you can change the date as desired (must be in MM/DD/YYYY format).
- End Date: Defaults the period end date but you can change the date as desired (must be in MM/DD/YYYY format).
- Effort: The total percentage of effort for this person on this project for the period.
- Charged: The total percentage of effort for this person on this project that is charged to the sponsor and being requested in your application. If Effort percentage is greater than Charged percentage then the difference is automatically calculated as cost sharing.
- Description: Edit existing description or add additional detail.
Use the Calculate button to preview the impact of your edits prior to saving. The Save Changes button must be clicked to apply any edits made to the data in the window. Clicking Save Changes will save and close this window; the updates will populate in the period detail row. Or use the Cancel button to close the window without saving any changes (you can also use the “x” in the upper right corner of the window).
Details & Rates
Click the Details and Rates hyperlink in the cost object/group header row to open the maintenance window consisting of two (2) tabs: General and Rates. The action buttons (save changes, apply to later periods, and cancel) appear at the bottom of both tabs; clicking these buttons will save and apply changes made on both tabs.
- Apply to Later Periods: Click this button to generate this expense line to one or more future budget periods, after the budget periods have been generated. This feature allows you to add a line item to one budget period in an already generated budget, and have the system populate the remaining budget periods with the expense line. This will not work on object codes that already have personnel in them, but if you are adding personnel in a new object code you can populate them forward.
- Save Changes: Click this button to save and apply changes made to the General and/or Rates tab.
- Cancel: Click to close the window with making changes. You can also use the ‘x’ in the upper right corner of the window.
Details & Rates - General
- Budget Category: Defaults to maintained category, but can be changed, as needed if you want it to map to a different section for the S2S or printed budget forms. Click in the field to see and select an alternate.
- Notes: you may use this box to jot down notes about this line item expense. All the notes can be consolidated to provide you with a text document that can aid in preparing your complete budget justification narrative. See the Proposal Budget - Budget Notes article for more information on this functionality.
- Group Description: You can provide additional detail or notes for the purpose of the expense group.
- # of Persons: Used primary when the Summary option is used to specify how many individuals are budgeted for the given line item. Also, has mapping implications to S2S forms.
- Apply Inflation: This checkbox default (checked to apply inflation, unchecked to NOT apply) is determined by your local implementation. When checked to apply, the value will utilize the maintained inflation rate percentage in the Rates screen to inflate the value in later periods. Change the default by clicking in the square to check or uncheck the box. When your budget is auto-calculated to generate periods, or when it is next calculated, the calculation will either use the inflation rate for Apply, or remain static when unchecked.
- Submit Cost Sharing: When checked, any cost sharing incurred in the line item will be populated to S2S forms. Uncheck the box to omit the expense from the forms.
- On Campus: (checkbox): defaults to the centrally maintained status for this cost element. Uncheck to designate this as an off-campus item when no specified off-campus cost objects exist. Will affect which F&A rates apply to the line item (on or off campus rates).
Details & Rates - Rates
The Rate Classes tab is used to view and adjust indirect and fringe rate application on the selected line item(s). The columns list the rate class, type, the default application, the calculated rate, and calculated cost sharing, if applicable.
Uncheck the box in the Apply Rate? column to remove that rate application – which may only be relevant for special submissions. NOTE: unchecked rates will become under-recovery.
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