The modular budget within the proposal budget now has two calculation methods when calculating the associated F&A. When syncing the modular budget from a detailed budget it will automatically pull in the associated F&A from the detailed budget line items. However, some schools would like to have the excluded line items be deducted from the module amount for the F&A calculation rather than the detailed budget base. Below explains the new parameters associated with the functionality configuration and testing.
Parameter Name: ModularBudget_Round_F_and_A_Base
Parameter Description: A 'Y' value will calculate the F&A base on the module direct amount minus exclusions. A 'N' value will calculate the F&A base on the detailed budget direct amount minus exclusions.
Parameter Default Value: 'N'
Parameter Name: Display_Unrounded_Modular_FNA
Parameter Description: Determines whether to display the unrounded modular F&A amount in the PD budget module in addition to the rounded amount. This can be used to assess the difference in calculation when testing the new feature. A 'true' value will display the 'F&A Base Unrounded' field in the F&A panel of the modular budget (method of F&A calculation if ModularBudget_Round_F_and_A_Base is set to 'N'). A 'false' value will not display the additional 'F&A Base Unrounded' field in the F&A panel. When the desired calculation method is decided it is recommended to set this parameter to 'false' so it doesn't confuse end users.
Parameter Default Value: 'false'
F&A calculation example when the ModularBudget_Round_F_and_A_Base is set to 'N' and the base amount is pulled from the detailed budget:
F&A calculation example when the ModularBudget_Round_F_and_A_Base is set to 'Y' and the base amount is pulled from the module amount:
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