The Cost Share to Account functionality allows institutions more robustness and flexibility when capturing cost share information in the proposal budget. This cost share data will also carry forward to the Institutional Proposal and then to the Award so duplicate data entry is not required. Along with these new fields and lookups the functionality comes with an array of validations that help to ensure that quality and valid data is being entered in the Cost Sharing section. Lastly, with the unit responsible for the cost share being captured you can now also enable independent routing for cost share approvals for the specified unit(s) so you can be sure all parties are aware and give authorization for the given commitment in the proposal. Below gives a little more detail on the new features and for more information regarding the required setup and configuration please see the Cost Share to Account Configuration article.
- Cost Share Type and Cost Share Comments fields
The new fields of Cost Share Type and Cost Share Comments have been added for this functionality. The Cost Share Type dropdown allows you to further categorize the cost sharing commitment and this dropdown is configurable via the Cost Sharing Type maintenance table.
Also, at the bottom of the cost share panel you can now add a general comment to provide further details or explanation to help with review and general documentation of the funds committed.
- Check Validity of Source Account
There is now the ability to validate the Source Account field against the full list of available entries in the new Account maintenance table to ensure the entered account is valid (the Account table could be populated by an eventual feed from a financial system). If the Account maintenance table is populated with active values the Source Account field will automatically check against any active entries and the lookup will become available on the Source Account field. If there are no current active records in the Account table it will not validate the Source Account field entry and no lookup will be available on this field in the Cost Share panel.
- Check the Source Account & Cost Share Type combination
Another new table was added in the Maintenance tab called Valid Source Accounts Cost Share Type. This table allows you identify valid combinations of Source Account and Cost Share Type selections for the proposal. When you have active entries in this table it will check the information entered in the proposal and give a validation to the user if the combination is not a valid entry in the table.
- Information Carries Forward to IP and Award
The newly added cost share information will also feed forward from the proposal to the generated Institutional Proposal and then again feed into the Award upon linking the IP using Initial, Merge, or Replace options.
- Validations
Validations have been incorporated with these cost sharing fields to help ensure correct data is being entered. In addition, we added configurability around these validations to allow institutions the flexibility to decide on whether validations should fire at all, fire as a hard error, or fire only as a warning. Lastly, we've added Source Account, Cost Share Type, and Unit as KRMS functions so eventual rules could be added around the information entered (i.e. build special routing if certain cost share type is selected). New Functions added: Cost Share Source Account Rule, Cost Share Type Rule, Cost Share Unit Rule.
- Workflow Insertions for Cost Share Approvals
With the Unit Details entered in the Cost Sharing panel you can set up routing logic via an Agenda using a People Flow document to trigger workflow stops for the specified approvers in the given unit. This would allow institutions to route for approval for cost share to a configurable set of approvers and ensure the appropriate people have signed off on the commitments outlined in the proposal. These insertions could also be customized in the Agenda to fire at whatever workflow stop you desire and can utilize the new Unit Administrator Type and derived role for cost share approvers. See the Cost Share to Account Configuration article for more information on the workflow setup.
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