Setup Required for Cost Share to Account Functionality
In order to take full advantage of this new feature some setup is required to enable the functionality. There are also a number of ways to configure the functionality to work best for your institutional needs.
Y – Will enable the display of the 'Cost Share Type' and 'Cost Share Comment' fields in the Cost Share panel of the proposal.
N – The 'Cost Share Type' and 'Cost Share Comment' fields will be hidden.
The default out-of-the-box parameter value is 'N'. Valid parameter values are 'Y' and 'N'.
- Cost_Share_Account_Validation_Message
W – Makes the onscreen validations associated with the Cost Share Account functionality warnings only and won't prevent further action or routing. These relate specifically to validation checks on the Source Account, Unit Details, and Cost Share Type fields. NOTE: Source Account is ALWAYS a required field regardless of this parameter setting.
E – Makes the onscreen validations associated with the Cost Share Account functionality errors that will prevent further action/routing until they are fixed. These relate specifically to validation checks on the Source Account, Unit Details, and Cost Share Type fields. NOTE: Source Account is ALWAYS a required field regardless of this parameter setting.
N – No validation messages will fire at all related to the Cost Share Account functionality. These relate specifically to validation checks on the Source Account, Unit Details, and Cost Share Type fields. NOTE: Source Account is ALWAYS a required field regardless of this parameter setting.
The default out-of-the-box parameter value is 'N'. Valid parameter values are 'W', 'E' or 'N'.
- Enable_Cost_Share_Type_Source_Account_Validation
Y – Will enable the validation check of the Cost Share Type and Source Account combination per the allowed values in the new Valid Source Accounts Cost Share Type table. If that combination is not an 'active' entry in the Valid Source Accounts Cost Share Type table then a validation will be triggered. If there are no 'active' values in the Valid Source Accounts Cost Share Type table then no check against the combination of values will occur.
N – Will not enforce the validation for the Cost Share Type and Source Account combination. This parameter value can be used if you enable the Cost Share to Account functionality midstream and have outstanding records that may not have the required information or the data combination may be invalid. This allows you to clean up and correct any Proposal/IP/Award that may have incomplete or invalid data. Once all the data has been cleaned up you can flip the parameter back to Y.
The default out-of-the-box parameter value is 'N'. Valid parameter values are 'Y' and 'N'.
This parameter allows you to configure which Unit Administrator Type Code you want to use for the workflow approvals on the Cost Share Agenda. So then whoever is setup with that given Unit Admin Type in the Unit Administrator table will automatically get inserted to workflow if their given Unit is included as the source unit for a cost share commitment. For example, if '000001' was entered as the Unit responsible, you had this parameter set to '-1', and the Cost Share Agenda created and active you would see Terry Durkin inserted for approval in the proposal:
The default out-of-the-box parameter value is '-1' for the 'COST_SHARE_ADMINISTRATOR' Unit Administrator Type. Valid parameter values are any Unit Administrator Type Code found in the Unit Administrator Type maintenance table. See below how the Unit Administrator is incorporated into the needed workflow Agenda.
- Default_IP_Award_Cost_Share_Type
If an institution has implemented the cost share to account in such a way that they do not Require entry of the cost share type at the proposal stage (that it is optionally available to enter) when the Institutional Proposal is created it does not require the cost share type. Then when the award is created from the IP, it does not have a cost share type either, but cost share type is required at Awarding. This parameter allow an institution to set the default cost share type to be generated in IP when the Proposal does not require it. Simply enter the a code value from the Cost Share Type maintenance table. This will significantly reduce data entry for schools initially implementing in this manner. If the parameter value is blank (not entered) then do not add any default cost share type.
The default out-of-the-box parameter is blank/null for this parameter. Note Cost Share to Account Parameter must be enabled for this parameter to work. Otherwise, default type is as funded.
- CostShareProjectPeriodNameLabel
Allows institutions to define the label for the Project Period field on the Cost Share screens in Institutional Proposal, Award, and Award Budget modules. The out-of-the-box parameter value for CostShareProjectPeriodNameLabel Parameter is Project Period. Institutions can modify this parameter with a label that fits their needs/business processes - be aware there is additional system validations on the field if the label is changed to Fiscal Year.
Workflow Setup (Agenda/People Flow):
In order to enable workflow insertions for cost share units you will need to create an Agenda with an associated People Flow document. Thankfully, this Cost Share Agenda will only have to be created once if you want to treat all cost share routing the same across all units - so it would always fire at the same Route Stop. However, if you want to create unique cost share routing logic by unit then individual Agendas would have to be created. Below is more information on the steps to create the Agenda at the top level of the unit hierarchy to fire consistantly on all proposals.
The first step is to create a People Flow rule that will utilize the new derived role 'Cost Share Approver Unit Admin (ID: -1000). This new role will pull all individuals identified as a COST_SHARE_ADMINISTRATOR Unit Administrator Type for the given unit in the cost share workflow stop. The Unit Administrator Type that is used as default is the COST_SHARE_ADMINISTRATOR type -1 but per the above listed parameter COST_SHARE_ADMINISTRATOR you can configure which Unit Administrator type you want to utilize with this functionality.
Create the People Flow document per the below screenshot and choose whichever Route Stop you want this approval to insert in your proposal document.
The next step will be to use this newly created People Flow to create your Cost Share Agenda to fire the necessary workflow on all proposals. Notice the new Type of 'Cost Share Agenda'. Upon creating the agenda complete the basic information as follows:
After the basic information is completed add a rule per the following information:
Within the rule then add the below Proposition to include the function to fire on All Proposals:
Lastly, in the rule complete the Action section as follows to setup the workflow trigger:
Once the above information is completed in the rule section you can return to the Agenda and submit/finalize the record to complete the process. Once the agenda is created and the parameters are enabled you are all set to start utilizing the Cost Share to Account functionality. Again, additional configuration and complexity to routing rules can always be added per the institution's needs.
Source Account field validating against the Account table:
There is no parameter to set to enable the Source Account validation logic since the functionality is all built in the 'Account' maintenance table. If there are any 'active' values in the Account table then the Source Account field in the Cost Share tab of the proposal will automatically validate against this table and the lookup icon will become available. If there are no 'active' values in the Account table no check against the entry will occur and the lookup icon will not be visible.
Source Account/Cost Share Type combination check against the Valid Source Accounts Cost Share Type table:
There is no parameter to set to enable the check that the Source Account and Cost Share Type combination are valid since the functionality is all built in the 'Valid Source Accounts Cost Share Type' maintenance table. If there are any 'active' values in the Valid Source Accounts Cost Share Type table then the combinations listed in the Cost Share tab of the proposal will automatically validate against this table. If there are no 'active' values in the Account table no check against the entries will occur.
Other Configuration Notes:
- For non-hosted customers please remember to ingest the necessary XML for the new Account table.
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