The Kuali Rules Management system comes with several terms defined, but in some cases institutions might need to drive business logic off a data point that isn't setup by default. It is possible to add additional property terms to the system with the Term Specification and Term document.
Term Specification
The first step to adding a new term to the Kuali Research system is to create a Term Specification linking the system variable to the KRMS system.
Navigate to Central Admin > Business Rules > Term Specification if you are using the KRAD Kuali Portal.
Search for Term Specification on the links page if you are using the Kuali Dashboard.
Click the Create New button and fill out the following fields that display.
- Namespace: Select the namespace of the module you want the variable to be linked to in the KRMS system. If you are setting up a variable like Prime Sponsor Code in multiple modules you will need to create a term specification for each module you want to add the Term to.
- Name: This is the variable name you want to make available in KRMS. Check the Variables Available article for a list of the variables available in each module.
- Data Type: This is the java code for the type of data stored in the variable. The appropriate data type is listed in the variable article above.
- Description: This field should include a description of what the Term Specification is for to help future administrators maintain your KRMS setup.
- Contexts: Search for the Context associated with the module you are adding a term to and return it. Then press the add button.
- Category: Search for the Property Category associated with the module you are adding a term to and return it. Then press the add button.
Note: While you can return multiple contexts and Categories this functionality does not work with the Kuali Research modules. Only add one context and one category for each term specification you setup.
Once you've reviewed the data in your Term Specification press the submit button.
The next step to making your property available to the KRMS system is to create a Term from your Term Specification.
Navigate to Central Admin > Business Rules > Term if you are using the KRAD Kuali Portal
Search for Term on the links page if you are using the Kuali Dashboard.
Click the Create New button and fill out the following fields that display.
- Description: Enter the Label you want to display in the KRMS Agenda document for this Term.
- Specification ID: Do a search for the Term Specification you created above and return it to your document.
Confirm that the proper Term Specification details populate the rest of the read only fields in your Term document and then press the submit button at the bottom of the screen.
Your term will now appear in the Properties dropdown when you use the Context listed in your Term Specification document. For more details on using your Term see the Cross Module - Basic KRMS Rule Setup
Note: Close all agenda documents before creating your Term or Term Specification documents. It takes a bit for the Term data to populate in the system. If your Agenda throws an error saying the Term is invalid you may need to close out of your Agenda and start the rule again.
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