The Key Personnel role options in Proposal, IP, and Award are configurable via the Proposal Award Person Role table in the maintenance tab. Although the options are limited to the 4 hardcoded Role IDs of PI, MPI (aka Multi-PI), COI, and KP in the system you can configure how the role descriptions appear to the end user. You can also configure the options by Sponsor Hierarchy so all sponsors in a given hierarchy will display the Person roles consistently.
Using the Proposal Award Person Role table
The DEFAULT rows in this table will drive how all sponsors will treat Key Personnel roles. However, if you add additional roles under a different Sponsor Hierarchy it will ignore the DEFAULT settings and use the specified role descriptions for those sponsors under the specified hierarchy. For example, in the above scenario all sponsors will use the DEFAULT roles of Principal Investigator, PI/Multiple, Co-Investigator, and Other Key Person. However, any sponsor that's in the 'NIH Multiple PI' Sponsor Hierarchy will be given slightly different selection options of PI/Contact, PI/Multiple, Co-Investigator, and Other Key Person. Having the ability to add the MPI Role ID will allow institutions the option to add the Multi-PI selection to all or a subset of sponsors by hierarchy - so it's not just limited to NIH.
Users that have the appropriate permissions can edit, copy, or create new in the Proposal Award Person Role maintenance table. More information on the functionality of this table (in addition to the Role Type options) can be found in the Maintenance - Proposal Award Person Role table article.
- The MPI Role ID is not required if you don't want to add to the DEFAULT option or other Sponsor Hierarchies.
- However, if you utilize the ALL_SPONSOR_HIERARCHY_NIH_MULTI_PI parameter as Y and want to instead utilize the Proposal Award Key Person table make sure to add the MPI option in the DEFAULT option before switching this parameter to N. This will allow you view existing proposals already utilizing the Multi-PI option under the parameter and will make sure the MPI option is still available.
- Be aware that the PI, MPI, COI, and KP Role IDs will drive form mapping for role information/logic.
- Edit and Copy are available so it is possible to copy one of the types and update to be for a different hierarchy.
- Inactivate option forthcoming.
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