Use the Project Personnel screen to add or delete personnel who will be included in the budget. Any project personnel added in the Key Personnel in the Proposal Details will automatically appear in the Project Personnel list so you do not have to search for them again. You may not need or wish to add all of these pre-populated persons to your budget detail. This screen is where you add any other (non-key) personnel, as necessary (employees, non-employees, and to-be-named individuals).
Project Personnel
By default any personnel added in the Key Personnel tab of the Proposal will populate in the Project Personnel of the budget but you can add additional personnel so you can add them to the budget. This project personnel list is the individuals available to add a line item to the budget - almost like a grocery cart of personnel for the proposal that can be selected for the budget. Below outlines the options for the Project Personnel tab.
Sync from Personnel
The ‘sync’ button synchronizes the data between the proposal details and the budget. Click Sync from Proposal to refresh the list of budget personnel in the “From Proposal Development” section with the proposal personnel maintained in the Proposal Details on the Key Personnel screen. Use this feature if recently added personnel do not appear in the list, or if you want to restore any deleted persons to the list.
Add Personnel
Click the +Add Personnel button to open a mini-wizard to help you find the correct type of person. There are 3 (three) options to choose from in the Add Person tool:
- Employee: Use this option to search for and add employees from the person data (usually updated from your institutional HR office).
- Non-Employee: Use this option to search for and add desired individuals from the address book (persons maintained for use in Kuali Research that are not employees)
- To Be Named: Use this option to add ‘placeholder’ positions used to indicate positions that are to be hired or identified once the award is made. (e.g. “Research Assistant” or “Postdoctoral Associate.” The list options are determined by your local implementation and can be augmented when needed using the Maintenance document.
Edit Personnel Details
The Edit Personnel window consists of two (2) tabs:
- Details: data items used by the system to calculate project person salary expense when a person is assigned to the budget.
- Salary By Period tab: enter or calculate the salary values to appear in the Base Salary field in certain S2S budget forms.
You can delete any name added to the Project Personnel screen if the individual will not be part of the project budget, and has not been already added to the budget. Deletion from the budget’s personnel list will not delete the person from the proposal’s Key Person screen.
- Job Code: The job code field may prepopulate, but can be edited if needed. (This data is not used in calculations, but may be linked to use with specific cost elements in your implementation has enabled the parameter “jobcode validation enabled”.)
- Appointment Type. If the appointment type is not correct, click within the field to display the list, and then scroll and click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to complete your selection.
The selected appointment type as a significant impact on calculations. The table below illustrates how the same base salary rate of $100,000 translates to a monthly rate with different appointment types.
Appointment Type |
Meaning |
Salary Calculation Base |
Ex. $100,000 salary monthly rate |
Academic year appointment |
Divides Salary by 9 |
$100,000/9 =$11,111.11 |
Supplement to academic year appointment |
Divides Salary by10 |
$100,000/10 = $10,000.00 |
Supplement to academic year appointment |
11 Month base salary |
$100,000/11 = $9,090.90 |
Staff |
12 Month base or annual salary |
$100,000/12 = $8,333.33 |
Summer appointment |
3 Month base salary |
$100,000/3 = $33,333.33 |
Temporary appointment |
1 Month base salary |
$100,000/1 = $100,000 |
- Salary Effective Date: This provides the date they system will use to initiate the salary inflation in conjunction with the relevant inflation rate & personnel category in the Rates table. The default is the project start date. To revise, click within the field to edit the date. You can manually enter a date in the MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar widget to locate and select a date.
- Salary Anniversary Date: (If enabled). If your institution uses individual anniversary dates for salary inflation, the Salary Anniversary Date column should be maintained with a date for each Project Person. If your institution loads HR data, the date may pre-populate. Otherwise, enter the date manually. The system will still use the rates table for the relevant inflation percentage (by personnel category for the selected salary type/cost element), but the individual anniversary dates will be used in the calculation instead of the salary category dates displayed in the table
- Base Salary: This number is used as the salary calculation base. Enter the individual's current relative to the Effective Date.
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