The Summary Submit screen provides a series of tabs with information across the entire proposal so a user can better review the proposal from this single tab. Proposal preparers can review the summary for completion prior to using the Submit for Review button as well as using the View Route Log button to preview the approval routing prior to submission. This also allows approvers the option of seeing a snapshot of the proposal in the single tab so they don't need to navigate through each tab of the proposal (although they still have that ability).
The Summary/Submit tab also has a series of buttons along the bottom that allows proposal preparers or reviewers a series of actions they can take on the proposal or gives them access to additional information. Below outlines the Summary/Submit tab and the action buttons available.
Along the top of the tab is the proposal submission status visual indicator. The indicator begins at Saved, updates to Routing when submitted and under review, to Approved when all reviews are complete.
Just below is the summary tabs that give an information snapshot from each tab - Proposal Summary, Personnel, Credit Allocation, Compliance, Attachments, Questionnaire, Supplemental Info, Keywords, Budget Summary. If you click a tab header you can review the tab specific information.
NOTE: Budget Summary tab will appear if parameter "enableBudgetSummaryPanel" is set to 'Y'.
Summary/Submit Actions
The available action buttons along the bottom change depending on the route status of a proposal (i.e. In Progress, Enroute, Final, etc.). Below outlines the action button options at the various stages. Please note that some of these buttons will only be available to users with the appropriate permissions.
Prior to Submitting for Review:
- Submit for Review: Starts the proposal into workflow for review and approval. All Validations will be processed prior to routing. The proposal may be submitted with warnings; click the button in the validation window to “submit with warnings” or close the validation window to address the warnings.
- Ad Hoc Recipients: Allows a user to create custom routing insertions on the proposal - more information on this functionality below.
- View Route Log: Users with access to the proposal can click the View Route Log button to open window and view the routing, view which approvers have already approved or are pending in the workflow.
- Cancel Proposal: Click this button to cancel the proposal document - once canceled the proposal can't be routed or edited but can still be copied.
- Delete Proposal: Click this button to delete an in-progress proposal document. Proposals that have entered workflow routing and have either been recalled or returned cannot be deleted.
- More Actions:
- -> Send Notifications: Allows a user to send a manual notification to desired recipients - more information on this functionality below.
- -> Reload Proposal: Will reload the proposal from the last save - any changes since will not be saved.
- -> Blanket Approve: This option may be available for some users with appropriate permissions; click to approve the proposal at all levels. Generally used in QA and testing environments.
- Close: Click this button to exit the proposal document. Click OK in the confirmation to save any recent changes.
After Submitting for Review:
- Send Adhoc: Will send proposal to the added Ad Hoc Recipients and insert them in the workflow - more information on this functionality below.
- Ad Hoc Recipients: Allows a user to create custom routing insertions on the proposal - more information on this functionality below.
- View Route Log: Users with access to the proposal can click the View Route Log button to open window and view the routing, view which approvers have already approved or are pending in the workflow.
- Recall: Allows an aggregator to pull back the proposal from workflow and return it to the their action list for edit. When the Recall button is clicked the user must enter a reason for the recall in the confirmation window and then click “ok” to complete the action. Otherwise, click ‘cancel.’
- Submit to Sponsor: Once a proposal routing has been completed upon the last approval in workflow the Submit to Sponsor button will appear in the footer for users with the appropriate permission (typically OSP staff). Click the Submit to Sponsor button to generate the Institutional Proposal document.
- Submit to S2S: The Submit to S2S button is available to users with the appropriate permission. The OSP office will click this button to electronically transmit the proposal to Grants.gov. Once electronic submitted, status updates are available on the Submission Details tab of the S2S Opportunity Search screen.
- More Actions:
- -> Send Notifications: Allows a user to send a manual notification to desired recipients - more information on this functionality below.
- -> Blanket Approve: This option may be available for some users with appropriate permissions; click to approve the proposal at all levels. Generally used in QA and testing environments.
- Close: Click this button to exit the proposal document. Click OK in the confirmation to save any recent changes.
Reviewer/Approver Actions
Approvers will see documents requiring their attention in their Action List (button in top righthand corner). Also, the user should receive an email notification depending on your institutional configurations. Once in a document the approver may click through the tabs in the Submit screen to view the summarized information in the proposal without having to leave this screen, however, they also can navigate to each tab of the proposal if they choose. The following are the approver options when a document is routed:
- Approve: This signifies your approval of the proposal and allows it to continue along the workflow path. You may receive a message asking if you wish to receive future approval requests if you also appear in a future workflow stop - clicking yes will require you to approve again at the future stop, whereas, clicking no will automatically approve on your behalf at the future stop.
- Disapprove: If you do not want this proposal to continue the disapprove action will make the proposal no longer a valid submission document; it will not be returned to the aggregator for corrections, nor will it continue in workflow. To return a proposal to the aggregator, use the Return button. Once Disapproved is clicked, a confirmation window will appear; enter the reason for the disapproval and then click “OK” to complete the action. Otherwise click ‘cancel.’
Return: If the proposal requires substantial corrections use the return action to return to the aggregator for necessary changes. Upon return you must then enter a reason for the action in the confirmation window that appears. Once returned, all of the proposal details, narratives, and budget can be fully edited by the aggregator and then resubmitted into the approval routing workflow for submission. FYI - some edits can be performed while the proposal is enroute (aka in workflow routing) such as:
- Replacing existing narrative attachments (new attachment types cannot be added.)
- Data Override actions (as determined in your local implementation).
Submit to Sponsor: Once a proposal routing has been completed upon the last approval in workflow the Submit to Sponsor button will appear in the footer for users with the appropriate permission (typically OSP staff). Click the Submit to Sponsor button to generate the Institutional Proposal document.
NOTE: Upon the 'Submit to Sponsor' action certain configured Proposal Types may give you a prompt for Institutional Proposal resubmission options. This also is associated with the Original Institutional Proposal field found in Proposal Details. So if a value is entered it will allow you to version the existing IP with this new proposal information (both proposals will be linked to the same IP in Medusa for history). This is most often used for proposal Resubmissions or s2s Changed/Corrected submissions so you can associated multiple proposal submissions with the same overall IP if it's the same project.
The options are as follows:
- Generate a new version of Original Institutional Proposal (XXXXXXXX): This will populate from the entered Original Institutional Proposal on the Proposal Details. If selected it will version that IP and push all the information from this proposal into the next version of that IP. Both proposals are associated with the IP in the Medusa.
- Generate a new version of Institutional Proposal: If selected a lookup will appear to allow you to either manually enter the IP number or utilize the lookup to search/return the IP you want to version. It will push all the information from this proposal into the next version of that IP. Both proposals are associated with the IP in the Medusa.
- Generate a new Institutional Proposal: This will create a brand new Institutional Proposal and not version an existing.
- Do not generate a new Institutional Proposal or Institutional Proposal version: This will not take any action except trigger any configured system notifications on submit but return you to the Summary/Submit where 'submit to sponsor' is still available.
- Submit to S2S: The Submit to S2S button is available to users with the appropriate permission. The OSP office will click this button to electronically transmit the proposal to Grants.gov. Once electronic submitted, status updates are available on the Submission Details tab of the S2S Opportunity Search screen.
Ad Hoc Recipients
Use this tool to generate custom routing requirements for the proposal. The following types of route stops can be added for an individual person, or to a group:
- FYI - FYIs do not interrupt the normal workflow routing of a document but give a user view access and allows them to signify they've taken action. A document with no pending approval requests but with pending FYI requests is in Final status. The difference between Acknowledgement and FYI is that FYI requests can be cleared directly from the action list without opening the document. FYI requests also have a different effect on the document status than Acknowledgements.
- Acknowledge - Acknowledgements do not interrupt the normal Workflow routing of a document. They do not stop a document from routing on to other individuals or workgroups who need to take approval actions. It allows you to make a user aware of a given proposal and have access to view. However, a document with no pending approval requests but with pending Acknowledge requests is in Processed status.
- Approve - This type of stop will require the user take the approval action prior to it moving forward in workflow. Approval must be done by the individual/group assigned before it can complete or proceed in routing.
- Complete - Only available prior to submitting proposal for review (proposal status is In Progress). This allows a user to ad-hoc route a pending proposal in an editable state to another user to complete the proposal and submit into routing. Be aware, when a user has it in their Action List to complete it's editable but the only option is to submit the proposal for review but it cannot be returned to the initiator.
To Create an Ad Hoc Requirement click the Ad Hoc Recipients button to open a new window where you can select the desired Action Request in the Person or Group request section. Use the magnifying glass icon to search for the individual or group you want to ad-hoc route for action. Repeat the steps if more users should be included, otherwise click the Save button to close the window. To actually send the ad-hoc requests and insert them in the route log you'll need to click the 'Send Ad-hoc Requests' button on the bottom of the proposal.
NOTE: if an ad-hoc recipient(s) is added before the initial submit of the proposal it will insert the individuals upon the 'submit for review' action. It will send to those individuals first before the normal workflow path; which means they'll need to take action (if approve) before the normal route stops will receive. If added after the proposal is submitted into routing then it will insert the stops concurrently with the existing workflow stop.
Send notifications
Use this tool to send an email about this proposal from the Kuali Research system to another user under a given role, a specific Employee, or a specific Non Employee. Once you click on the Send Notification link it will open a window to search for desired recipient(s).
Once you find the role/person you want click the Add Recipient button which will return you to the Notification entry window. This is where you can add the Subject and Message content of the email. You can also add additional recipients via 'Add More Recipients' or delete already added recipients via the trash can icon.
When the notification content is complete and all desired recipients have been added click the 'Send Notifications' button to complete the process. If you wish to send another email you can at any time on a proposal while it's in progress or enroute.
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