In Kuali Research you can grant global proposal permissions via roles in Person records but you can also grant document specific rights in the Access tab of a proposal development document. If an individual is added via the Access tab of a proposal that user will have that specific role/permissions on that proposal only. This allows users to add other people to a proposal that may require view or edit rights during the proposal preparation process.
Once a person is added via the 'Add User' button they will be granted rights to that proposal - users added to the Access tab can always be deleted or their role changed using 'Edit' or 'Delete'. Also, prior to routing any role can be granted, however, once the proposal has been submitted for review only the view role can be added. Lastly, the initiator of a proposal is automatically granted the aggregator role in the Access tab and it's recommended you should not delete. Below outlines the different roles available.
Role Descriptions
- Aggregator Document Level: The Aggregator has all permissions for a proposal. This is the highest level administrative permission level for a proposal, and only individuals who have Aggregator permissions, or are in the ORP office can submit a proposal for review. This role allows a user to see institutional salaries, modify budgets, rates, attachments, change S2S linkages, and recall a document that is part of the way through routing. The initiator of a proposal will automatically be granted the Aggregator role in the document.
- Aggregator Only Document Level: This role is a more limited form of Aggregator. An Aggregator Only can modify all proposal, budget, and attachment data. They can also submit a proposal document for review. This role cannot recall, change rates, see institutional salaries, or change S2S linkages after a proposal is submitted for review. Members of this role are not included in the Aggregator search field in the Proposal Development search.
- Budget Creator Document Level: This role allows a user to create and maintain budgets in a proposal, and to view all other data in a proposal. This role also allows you to view institutional salaries and modify rates in a proposal.
- Budget Creator Only Document Level: This role allows a user to view a proposal, as well as create and maintain budgets in the proposal. It does not provide access to institutional salaries, or the ability to change rates in a budget.
- Narrative Writer Document Level: This role allows a user to modify the data in a proposal development document, including the attachments. It provides view only access to the budget.
- Viewer Document Level: This role gives a user the ability to view all data in a proposal, but does not allow them to change any data in the proposal or budget.
The available roles in dropdown are pulled from the Roles specified with Role Type 'Derived Role: Document Access Role Types' which you can activate/inactivate as desired. Other out of the box roles that can be used are below, however, they may not make sense for your local process and we often recommend to deactivate the Roles via the System Admin tab:
- Approver Document Level: This role allows a user to approve a proposal, however, typically proposal workflow would achieve the appropriate approvals so isn't recommended for use.
- Access_Proposal_Person_Institutional_Salaries Document Level: Gives a user with the Budget Creator rights to also have edit ability and access to institutional salaries.
- View Institutionally Maintained Salaries Document Level: Gives a user view rights to Institutional Salaries in proposal budget.
- Delete Proposal Document Level: Gives a user the delete proposal option on the Summary/Submit tab of a proposal not yet routed for review.
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