If maintained for your institution, the Credit Allocation screen will present a table consisting of a list of the designated proposal personnel and units in rows, with one or more columns to enter a percentage for allocation. The column options in the table are configurable to meet local requirements or can be hidden all together. If present, it allows Key Personnel to divide a variety of credit among units and personnel for review/approval by an institution.
Credit Allocation
The Column headers defining the different categories as locally defined. The row where the person’s name appears should be maintained with their portion for the proposal project across each category of credit. The rows below that person’s name should be maintained with the distribution between multiple units, if more than one unit exists. The system can be configured to require the values to equal 100% by each column. Meaning that the distributed amount for each person must aggregate to 100% per column, and each person’s unit distribution must equal 100%.
The Unit Total row will aggregate the total of all unit amounts for the investigator. The Investigator Total row is an aggregate of all investigator totals.
The Refresh View button will recalculate the column totals with any new entries.
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