This screen is used to add proposal personnel Principal Investigator (PI) of the proposal, any additional Multiple-PI’s (MPI) Co-Investigators (Co-I), and Key Persons (proposal role description required). These listed proposal role types are configurable via the Award Proposal Person Role maintenance table; more information can be found in the Defining Key Personnel Roles article. Once added, the panel is used to maintain the details of the proposal personnel including contact information, degree details, their proposal certification, and credit split percentages (if enabled). Below outlines the process of adding and maintaining the proposal personnel. Also, more information on credit split percentages can be found in the Credit Allocation article.
The Add Personnel button will open the lookup where you can search/return an individual, define their role, and then add to the proposal. When added, a person panel can be collapsed to only display the Name, Role, and certification status. When the arrow is clicked on the left it will expand the person panel and expose the additional tabs of information including Details, Organization, Extended Details, Degrees, Unit Details, Person Training Details, and Proposal Person Certification (if configured).
The COI Disclosure Status button relates only to the legacy COI in the monolith; not to new COI system.
The Notify All button will allow you to send notifications to proposal personnel; more information on notifications is below.
The Up & Down arrow icons can be used to change the order of proposal persons in the given role type (Co-PI, Multi-PI, Key Persons); the PI (PI/Contact) will always be at the top. Each click will move the person one row in the given direction.
The Trashcan icon can be clicked to remove any of the proposal persons.
Add a Proposal Person
Click Add Personnel to open the person search window.
- Select a search type:
- Employee to search the Kuali Person table – for the individuals who are employed with the applicant institution, usually supplied to Kuali Research from HR data.
- or Non-Employee to search the Address Book to identify individuals who are not employed by your institution.
- Enter search criteria to find the person you are looking for; use several fields in the lookup to limit the search results.
- Click Continue to proceed with the search
- Review search results and click the radio button at the end of the row you want to select; click Continue.
- Or click ‘Go Back’ to perform another search.
- Or click the ‘x’ button in the upper right of the window to exit and close the search.
- With a selected person, Assign a role by clicking a radio button beside one of the selections: Principal Investigator or PI/Contact, PI/Multiple, Co-Investigator, or Key Person.
- Principal Investigator is selected by default for the initial search, and any subsequent search until that role is assigned.
- PI/Multiple will appear if configured by associated Sponsor Hierarchy in the Award Proposal Person Role table.
- Co-Investigator (or PI/Multiple if maintained) is the default selection once a Principal Investigator is assigned.
- When Key Person is selected, the Key Person Role field will appear and must be maintained.
- Proposal Roles can be reassigned in the Details tab after proposal persons are added.
- Click the Add Person button to complete this task, or click ‘Go back’ to open the previous search results window.
Maintain Personnel
Once a person is added the person panel can be expanded to expose the additional tabs of Details, Organization, Extended Details, Degrees, Unit Details, Person Training Details, and Proposal Person Certification. Much of this information will automatically populate if maintained in the Kuali Person record. Also, many of these fields don't have to be completed but may be required if doing S2S applications for form population.
Proposal Person Panel:
- Details: contains some of the contact information from the person record and the ability to opt in/out of the Credit Allocation for that individual.
- Organization: contains additional information from the person record.
- Extended Details: contains additional information from the person extended attributes record.
- Degrees: if data is fed, degree information is displayed; otherwise degrees are added in this panel
- Unit Details: the person’s unit information is displayed and additional units may be added.
- Person Training Details: If data is fed, training information is displayed in this panel. See more information in the Training Types and Person Training article.
- Proposal Person Certification: if configured to be required the questionnaire based proposal certification is located in this tab for completion.
Use the notification feature to inform proposal personnel of their inclusion in the project and that they need to certify. The system will generate a customized email message to the email address in the person or address book record with a hyper-link to the proposal. The following is an example of the default message but this can be configured in the Notifications table.
Please review the proposal by clicking on the following link Click Here. Please answer the certification questions if you agree to participate in this project. Proposal Details as follows:
Document Number: 4155
Proposal Number: 30
Proposal Title: For Documentation
Principal Investigator: Joe Tester
Lead Unit: 000001 - University
Sponsor: 000340 - NIH
Deadline Date: 02/05/2015
To Notify All:
Click the 'Notify All' button above the proposal personnel which will bring up a popup window that allows you to select from the list of key personnel to send individual emails to each of the selected proposal persons.
To individually notify:
Click the ‘notify (person name)’ button in the proposal person’s header row to generate an email to that only that person.
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