Forms Panel
Once an Opportunity is linked, the Forms Panel will populate with the forms contained in the given opportunity. This includes Mandatory and Optional forms. Below outlines navigating the Forms panel but also be sure to read your RFP instructions for guidance on form completion.
- Form Name: Lists the forms by name & version number. Clicking on a form name will download the fillable PDF form from, which can be useful if you need to upload it as a user attached form.
- Mandatory: Describes if the form is mandatory or optional. Yes means the form is mandatory and No means the form is optional.
- Include: Defaults to Yes for mandatory forms. Click an individual checkbox to include an optional form in the submission. Also, the Include column header can be selected to display the options to Select All and Select None of the optional forms.
- Description: Describes the status of each form. Available means the form fields can be entered in Kuali Proposals Development fields. Unavailable means that the form fields cannot be entered in Kuali Proposal Development fields. If Unavailable, you can upload these unsupported forms via the User Attached Forms process by downloading from the form name link.
- Select: Click the individual checkboxes to determine the forms to preview in the PDF format (then click the 'Created PDF' button). You can also click the Select column header to provide the options to Select All and Select None. Be aware that user attached forms cannot be printed from the Forms panel; those must be printed separately from the User Attached Forms panel.
- Create XML: This button allows you to generate the XML of the forms checked in the 'Select' column to preview what will be transmitted via S2S.
- Create PDF: This button allows you to generate a PDF preview of the forms checked in the 'Select' column.
- NIH e-Application: This button will go out to the eCommons image service to generate a PDF of the application as it will be generated/compiled at eCommons following submission. Be aware that this may take several seconds to compile after clicking the button so you may need to be patient. Also, after generating the compiled image it will be retained in the database if needed. Please note that the Appendix attachment is not included in the compiled file at NIH eCommons so it will not be included in the file generated when clicking the 'NIH e-Application' button. This functionality requires the NIH Validation Service to be enabled.
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