As a COI administrator you can configure which projects will require disclosure from your researchers. These project requirement configurations relate to projects that can be pushed from the Kuali Research modules, or from custom integrations your institution has setup for your COI implementation. They can also relate to manual project types that can be entered directly into the COI system. To fully utilize project functionality you must also incorporate projects in your template; see the COI - Template - Project Gadgets article for more information on that setup.
If not using Kuali Research for Sponsored Programs projects you can also configure project push from an external system; more information on this can be found in the COI - Project Integration with External System article.
Navigating to Project Requirements
Users assigned to Administrator role(s) have access to the Project Requirements option in the Configuration menu.
In the Project Requirements menu you have option to configure what projects will require a disclosure update (from the Sponsored Projects system and manually entered projects).
The following columns appear in this section:
- Name - The Project Type is configurable in Custom Projects but is set automatically for the Projects integrated from the Sponsored Projects system (Proposal, Institutional Proposal, IRB Protocol, IACUC Protocol, Award). You can click on the names of Manual Project Types for further configuration options.
- Number of Rules - This will show you the number of distinct rules configured for this project type. Different rules can be setup to drive different behavior based on the details of your project.
- Example: A research grant may always be required when certain sponsors are involved, where a service agreement may depend on an answer in the proposal development document being answered affirmatively to trigger disclosure.
- Custom - Indicates whether it's a custom type that is managed through the COI system, or is part of the Kuali Sponsored Programs project integration.
- In Use/Enabled Status - Allows you to activate the project requirement which makes it available in either the manual project options or will cause requirements for disclosures related to integrated projects from the Research modules. Also depends on the specific roles/statuses you've configured in each on what gets triggered for disclosure.
Using Project Requirements
In the list of Project Requirements you will notice two different types - Custom Project Types and regular Projects. The Custom Project Types are ones that are allowed to be entered by either the end user or an admin manually for a disclosure. Whereas, regular non-custom projects are ones that come over via the integration from the Kuali Research Sponsored Projects system which only applies if you utilize the other Kuali Research modules.
Custom Projects
Using the Add Project Types button to create your options.
Within the entry you have the following attributes to configure:
- Project Type - The Type of Project (i.e. purchase order, gift, etc.)
- Project will be entered directly in a disclosure - If checked, the manual project will be entered by the reporter directly in the disclosure. If not checked, the manual project can only be entered by a COI Admin using the Manage Projects screen. More information on this functionality can be found in the COI - Manage Projects article.
- Role - These are the roles that you want to be available for selection when a Custom Project Type is created. Each project must have 1 person in the role marked as Primary. This role can have any name.
- Status - These are the statuses available to reflect the status of the project (i.e. Active, Closed, etc.)
- Award Type - This field is meant to differentiate project types for third party project integrations. This allows an institution to define different disclosure requirements for a research agreement, than for an unfunded agreement, etc. This value is only available when building a third party integration, since the assumption is if you are manually entering a project into the COI system then it will require disclosure.
Configuring Disclosure Requirements
Once a Custom Project is saved/created you'll be able to create rules for this project type the same way you can for the Kuali Research project types. To setup disclosure requirements for a project type click the View Rules button. A researcher will have to disclose if all of the criteria in your rule are fulfilled.
When you first setup a project you will see no active rules. You can either expand the default rule for one of the out of the box rule types, or you can add a new rule by clicking + Add Rule. Click the pencil icon to make changes to the rule.
Configuring a Rule
When you edit a rule you will have the opportunity to configure the following options
Rule Name - This name will help you differentiate your rules at a high level. You should assign a descriptive name to each rule if you have more than 1 configured for a project type.
Sponsor Groups - Typically left blank for custom project types. The Sponsor Groups come from the Sponsor Hierarchy table in the Sponsored Projects system; if present it will only require disclosure for projects that have a sponsor or prime sponsor from the specified sponsor hierarchy.
Roles - Options available are the ones created in the config or configured in Sponsored Research. Any user with a role you have marked in the rule will be required to disclose.
Statuses - Options available are the ones created in your custom project config or in Kuali Sponsored Programs. Projects with a status you have marked in a rule will require disclosure.
Award Types- Options available are the ones created in your custom project config or in Kuali Sponsored Programs. Projects with an Award Type you have marked in a rule will require disclosure. This is only available on custom projects via integration. The Award Type cannot be set on manual projects when entered in a browser.
Requires Projects Based on Questionnaire Data- If this option is turned on then only projects that have a Yes answer to one of the questions configured in the PASSIVE_COI_DISCLOSURE_QUESTION_IDS will be required. For more information on this functionality please read the COI - Disclosure Options with Questionnaire in Sponsored Programs article.
Configuring PD to IP to Award Project Progression
If you have the Disclose once at PD/IP stage and have the disclosure carry over to award option active in COI it is important to configure your statuses carefully to drive this behavior.
If you want the system to pull declarations and dispositions forward from Proposal Development to Institutional Proposal, to Award, then it is important to keep earlier stages of the project active so the data remains active in the disclosure for the next project type to inherit.
Example if you want your declarations to flow from Proposal Development to Institutional Proposal then all of the final Proposal Development statuses (Approved Post-Submission AND Approved and Submitted) must be checked in your Project rules. The Pending status must also be required in IP, so as soon as a proposal is submitted to sponsor the data is picked up by IP immediately.
In some cases you may want the system to force a disclosure update at a specific stage of disclosure. To do this, do not include the final status of the prior project.
Example: When an award is received your institution wants to prompt a fresh disclosure so they can request additional details from their researchers. The Institutional Proposal is configured to only require disclosure in the Pending status. So when the IP is funded the project falls off, and the Award replaces it, but doesn't pick up disclosure details, requiring the researcher to update their disclosure.
Note: If the latest document in a grant lifecycle is not in a required status it will not display on the reporter's disclosure, even if previous iterations of the project are still active.
Example: If you require disclosure for all final states in Proposal Development, but the IP for a project is in a Rejected status the project will not display on your researchers' disclosures.
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