Technical Configuration
Documentation related to the technical configuration required for Kuali Research
- Technical - Add External Users to Kuali Users for Standalone Protocols or COI
- Technical - Adding External Users to Kuali Users
- Technical - Adding More CITI Courses in Kuali Research
- Technical - API Overview
- Technical - Configuring HR API
- Technical - Configuring Kuali Research with CITI
- Technical - Configuring Kuali Research with NIH eCommons Validation Service
- Technical - Configuring SSO (single sign-on)
- Technical - Loading Person Data for Standalone COI or Protocols Implementation
- Technical - PDF Forms Setup for Award and Subaward
- Technical - Send Emails From Your Institution's Domain
- Technical - Setting Up and Maintaining an API Key
- Technical - Setting Up API Key and Maintenance Notifications for Standalone Protocols and COI