Kuali Identity Services is the component of Kuali Research software that manages information used by other system modules; including user information. Kuali provides APIs that allow customer schools to load User data directly into Kuali Users via a feed from your HR system; see more information in the Technical - Loading Person Data for Standalone COI or Protocols Implementation article (detailed technical documentation is also available at Typically these institutional users accessing Kuali Research will go through an Institution’s single sign-on (SSO) to access the system which will populate the associated created Kuali user. However, there could be cases where an institution wants external users (not in the customer’s HR system) to be able to access Kuali Research and not have to go through the Institution's SSO. This document outlines the process of using Kuali Identify Services to create and manage users for Kuali Research outside the normal SSO and HR feed process.
- We recommend you test adding external users in a lower test environment before applying to PRD.
- The user email address must be unique and not already used by an existing user.
- In the event the manually added user is then employed and gets feed from HR you will receive duplicate errors on the feed - reach out to Kuali for more information on how to clear.
Users represent persons who will either need to access Kuali Research directly by logging into the system and taking action, or whose data will need to be included in documents. The following are examples of Users:
- A researcher from your institution who will need to log into Kuali to prepare/approve a record.
- A student who will be named on a Kuali record that is prepared by someone else.
- A researcher from another institution who needs to prepare, submit, or approve a record.
Steps to Create & Manage External Users
As an Administrator
- Sign into Kuali Research
- Open a new browser tab and navigate to your PRD (or SBX) URL but with the below appended to the end:
- Use +Add User to enter the new person and complete as follows:
- Display Name: enter the full Name of the person as you want it to display
- Role: External User
- Primary Group: leave blank
- School ID: set a unique ID. Be sure to use a numbering convention that is different from your school's default numbering convention to avoid future conflicts with your HR feed.
- Approved: leave checked
- Email: email for user (must be unique)
- Username: set a unique Username. Be sure to use a naming convention that is different from your school's default naming convention to avoid future conflicts with your HR feed.
- First Name: first name of the user
- Last Name: last name of the user
- Password: set desired password
- Provide the username and password to the user
Note: The username can contain any of the following characters. (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and !#$%&*+-/=?^_@|{}`~.+$) It is important when assigning usernames for external users that you do not select a value that could eventually be assigned to a user in your HR feed. It is recommended you use a naming convention, or special character in all External User usernames that is not used by your institution to avoid collisions of this type.
Steps for External User to Access Kuali Research
- User will navigate to the kuali auth login URL - for this step please submit a zendesk ticket to request the appropriate login links for SBX and PRD for your institution
- In the login screen user will enter the provided username and password
- See the Welcome to Kuali message
- Open a new browser window and paste in your PRD (or SBX) URL
- The Kuali portal displays.
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