The Subaward module allows an institution to track outgoing subawards to other entities and link to the associated Award in Kuali Research. The subaward tracks approved and funded subawards to comply with Sponsor & Federal OMB regulations that require award recipients to receive sponsor approval prior to issuing a subaward to another organization. Recipients are responsible for managing and monitoring each subaward funded by the prime award. Subaward monies must be maintained and accounted for separately and in accordance with applicable federal flow-down regulations. Recipients are also required to ensure subrecipients have met audit requirements. The Subaward module in Kuali Research provides functionality for administration of each subaward and the generation of FDP Subaward Forms to send to your subaward recipients for execution of the agreement. Below outlines how a new Subaward is created and edited going forward through the life of the subaward agreement.
Creating New Subawards
Typically before a new Subaward is created you would already have the existing Award that funds the Subaward in the system so it can be linked. When a user with the appropriate permissions creates a new Subaward there are a handful of required fields in the initial Subaward tab that must be completed before the in progress document can be saved. Upon creation the initial version 1 of the Subaward is created and a Subaward ID is generated. The Subaward ID is the system assigned identifier for the Subaward and will not change; if edits are made to the Subaward a new version of the Subaward will be created under the same Subaward ID.
The Subaward consists of the below tabs and more information can be found in the linked articles for each:
- Subaward
- Financial
- Custom Data
- Template Information
- Comments, Notes & Attachments
- Subaward Actions
- Medusa
Upon completion of the Subaward the document can be submitted into routing (if any exists for approvals); if none exists then it will finalize the Subaward.
Editing Existing Subawards
If additional amendments or changes to the dates, dollar amounts, or other information in the Subaward is required you can edit the Subaward to create the next version. If the user has the appropriate permissions they can lookup the Subaward and an 'edit' button will be available at the bottom of the Subaward tab. When that is clicked it will generate the next version of the Subaward which opens the record up for edit. Once that version is submitted/finalized if will then become the active subaward version for the record; prior versions are archived.
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