The Subaward module in Kuali Research has the ability to pull entered information and populate FDP boilerplate forms to print and use when issuing outgoing Subawards. This saves valuable data entry time and allows users the ability to instantly generate the necessary FDP form sets they require for the given subaward. The FDP forms will also generate in an editable format so although it will pull data from the completed subaward it can still be edited as desired.
The general data is pulled from a variety of areas in the Subaward module; including the award that is linked in the Funding Source panel of the Subaward panel. But the specific FDP form question information is completed in the Template Information tab of Subawards. You can access the print options via the Print panel in the Subaward Actions tab. Below gives more information about the Template Information and Print options.
Also, we have a parameter surrounding the template information, validation, and print options on Subaward FDP forms. When the parameter Enable_Subaward_FDP is enabled it will turn on the validations in the Template Information tab requiring certain information for Subaward FDP Forms mapping and also makes the print panel available on the Subaward Actions tab. The Enable_FDP_Via_PDF_Service parameter will also need to be enabled if you want to take advantage of the 2019 Subaward FDP forms going forward. Please note, only having the Enable_Subaward_FDP parameter enabled will give you access only to the 2017 forms.
Template Information Tab
A good number of the FDP question and field mapping is found in the Template tab. These questions allow you to enter the necessary information to populate the given fields in the template forms. The values can always be changed and the forms reprinted to generate updated forms reflecting the updated information. Information on where this information maps to the forms can be found in the Subaward - FDP Forms article.
The Template section has some of the general questions for the FDP forms.
The Contacts section allows you to specify person information that maps to a number of FDP forms. The contacts available in the dropdowns are pulled from the Non-Employee personnel (Address Book) that were added for the given Subaward in the Contacts panel on the Subaward tab of the record. The contact types available are also filtered by applicability.
The Terms and Conditions gives additional questions/selections that will map to the given areas in the FDP forms. Again, the answers can be modified at any time and the forms regenerated if needed or manually adjusted in the generated forms.
The Compliance section allows you to enter the necessary Human and Animal subjects information that will map to the FDP forms. All the fields/dropdowns mimic the options in the given FDP templates you would fill out manually if you did them independently of the Kuali system.
If you would like to include attachments to print with the FDP forms you can configure options in the Subaward Template Attachment Type maintenance table. These options are specific to the Attachments panel of the Template tab in the Subaward. All of the added attachments will be included in the Attachments section of the generated fillable FDP form (not appended to the end). If there are attachments you want to add to the Subaward but not include in the generated FDP forms you can include that in the Comments, Notes & Attachments tab of the Subaward. Be aware that attachments only get included with the FDP Agreement and not the Amendment.
Printing Options
Once the necessary information has been completed in the Subaward and the Template Information panel you can generate the FDP forms in the Print panel found in the Subaward Actions tab. In the Print panel you can choose whether to print the main FDP Agreement or a FDP Modification Agreement along with any PDF attachments that were attached in the record behind the FDP Agreement. Also, the Funding Source dropdown allows you to select the desired Funding Source award for mapping to the forms. The generated forms are in an editable state so you can make desired changes but you can also update the information in the Subaward record and regenerate the forms at any time. More Information on the generated forms can be found in the Subaward - FDP Forms article.
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