The Financial page of the Subaward document is only accessible after you’ve completed the required fields on the Subaward and saved the document without error. The tab consists of two sections, History of Changes and Invoices, that allow you to record and store information pertaining to subcontractor invoices, related dates and dollar value amounts (released, obligated, and available) along with anticipated changes. Files can also be uploaded and stored as attachments along with the information you select and enter (dates & text comments).
History of Changes
The History of Changes section is where the subcontract administrator will maintain the obligated and anticipate funding levels of the subaward. Over the lifecycle of the subaward, the administrator will update (make changes to) those amounts to create a History of Changes.
Summary View
The top section is read only and will show the current values for all fields based on the cumulative entries entered in the History of Changes. Please note much of the non-monetary amounts (like Modification Effective Date, Period of Performance, etc. will be pulled from the last transaction entered. Also, this information is what will be used in the FDP form population in the Templates tab. More information on the fields in this section is below.
Field/Column |
Description |
Obligated Amount |
Display-only: automatically updated based on entries into the Obligated “Change’ column field. In the case of multiple line item values, this would be the sum. |
Amount Released |
Display-only: Populates from calculation of all Amounts maintained in the Invoice: Amount Released |
Modification Effective Date |
Effective date of the modification for FDP forms |
Period of Performance Start Date |
The start date of the subcontract performance period for population on the FDP form |
Anticipated Amount |
Display-only: automatically updated based on entries into the Anticipated Change. Anticipated amount is probably the value you entered in the Anticipated Change field, only |
Available Amount |
Display-only: Populates from calculation of Obligated Amount less all sum of the maintained Invoiced Amounts Released. |
Modification ID |
The modification number for this transaction for FDP forms |
Period of Performance End Date |
The end date of the subcontract performance period for population on the FDP form |
Adding Transactions
Just below the History of Changes summary view you can then add new transactions to account for new obligations, additional funds, changes to dates, etc. Each field is described more below and remember the last transaction added will map to the Summary for the non-monetary values for FDP printing and the cumulative amounts of all entries will show for the amount fields.
Please note that transactions in prior Subaward versions can be edited in future versions if required to correct errors (amounts, files, etc). The prior versions of the subaward will retain the transactions as they were entered for audit purposes.
Field/Column |
Description |
Effective Date | This is the date this change is to take effect. To select the date, click the calendar icon to select, or type in mm/dd/yyyy format to populate the box with the desired date. |
Obligated Change |
Enter the amount of funds being allocated or reduced on the subcontract’s obligated funds. |
Anticipated Change |
If needed, enter the amount of funds being allocated or reduced on the subcontract’s Anticipated funds. |
Modifications Type |
The value to describe the purpose of the transaction which comes from a configurable dropdown. |
Modification Effective Date |
Enter the effective date of the modification for FDP forms |
Modification ID |
Enter the modification number for this transaction for FDP forms |
Period of Performance Start Date |
Enter the start date of the subcontract performance period for population on the FDP form |
Period of Performance End Date |
Enter the end date of the subcontract performance period for population on the FDP form |
Comments |
Additional comments regarding the transaction can be added for further reference if desired. |
File Name |
Use this field to add an attachment (for example, official correspondence from the sponsor that includes information about a subaward amount). Click the Choose File button to launch your browser’s File Upload window, then use it to locate the desired file on your local computer. These files can be viewed once added or replaced if desired. |
The Invoices section of the page is for viewing the information about subaward invoices, related dates and amounts. The panel is read-only information. To add invoice information, click the add invoice action button at the bottom of the screen.
When you click the create invoice button it will open a new window to enter the invoice information.
After the invoice is submitted and finalized you can return to the Subaward in the original browser window and click the Financials tab to refresh the tab and you'll see the new invoice displayed and it can be viewed. Also, the amount entered for the Amount Released field will then subtract that value from the Amount Available in the History of Changes summary at the top of the tab. The amount released cannot exceed the amount obligated for the Subaward.
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