The Proposal Development module in Kuali Research comes with a comprehensive form building tool called Questionnaire. Questionnaires are used to gather information for S2S submissions, as well as institutional information that isn't part of the standard proposal development data set. The first step to setting up a Questionnaire is building questions in the system. These questions are then used to build Questionnaires in Proposal Development.
Creating a Question
Navigate to All Links on the Dashboard and search for Question and select.
Press the 'create new' button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and complete the following fields in the Question document that displays.
- Description: Enter a description per your institution's naming standards.
- Question: The text of your question as it will display in the final Questionnaire. You can resize this field by dragging the lower right-hand corner of the field to make it easier to see what you have entered.
- Status: Active (If you retire a question after it's been included on historic proposals you can set this to inactive, though this can be managed by removing the question from active questionnaires)
- Catagory: This field is for organizational purposes only, though it is required. You can create new Question Categories by adding entries to the Question Category maintenance table.
- Explanation, Policy, Regulation: Text entered in these fields will display in the Proposal Development document if a user presses the
next to a question. Best practice is to only enter text in one of these fields for a given question, as the formatting in the Proposal Development document is clearer when only one section is used. You can resize these fields by dragging the lower right-hand corner of the fields to make it easier to see what you have entered.
- Affirmative Statement: This field doesn't map to application behavior. It is usable for system administrators to store information on the intent of this question for documentation purposes.
- Negative Statement: This field doesn't map to application behavior. It is usable for system administrators to store information on the intent of this question for documentation purposes.
Note about HTML and Questions: It is possible to include html tags in the Question, Explanation, Policy, and Regulation fields. If you include links, or other tags that require attributes, such as href, or target be sure to only use single quotes when constructing your tags and not double quotes.
Example: <a href="http://www.kuali.co" target="_blank">Kuali</a> will break certain functionality in Questionnaire.
<a href='http://www.kuali.co' target='_blank'>Kuali</a> will work properly.
The Questionnaire pdf output is not designed to accommodate HTML tags, so if you use this option any users who print their questionnaires will see the HTML code in their output. For institutions that do not want to use Questionnaire printing this may be fine, but if you want to use Questionnaire print functionality it may be best to not use HTML coding directly in your question text.
- Response Type: This dropdown list will define what type of question populates for the user, and in some cases will require additional data entry. Once you have selected an entry for the Response Type, complete the fields listed below that option.
- Date: This selection will create a date field and a Date selector widget in Proposal Development. The following required fields will populate the Question document when this is selected.
- The user will be presented with _____ text boxes: This allows the question to be configured to collect multiple dates if appropriate. This field requires a whole integer number.
- The number of possible answers is _____, not exceeding the number of text boxes presented: this number should match the number listed in the previous field.
- Decimal: This option is not currently supported.
- Lookup: This option allows an administrator to link this question to a specific table in the Kuali Research database. If this is selected then users will be given a lookup icon
next to the question fields in Proposal Development and they will have to search for and return values from the selected table when completing this question. This functionality mirrors the lookup functionality in the Cross Module Functionality - Custom Data Field setup process. The following required fields will populate the Question document when this is selected.
- The user will be presented with the ability to search for _____: Select the table in the Kuali Research application you want the user to search when looking for values to enter in this question.
- The field to return is _____: Select the column from the Table above that should provide data for this field here.
- (Example: If you selected the Sponsor table in the field above then that is the lookup that will be linked to this field. If you select Sponsor code here then the value that will return is the numeric code associated with the selected sponsor. If you select Sponsor Name then the full name of the sponsor is what will display in the Question field when it is completed by a PI)
- (The Arg Value Lookup option works differently than the rest of the Lookup Classes. For details on how this options functions please see the Cross Module Functionality - Argument Value Lookup article)
- Multiple Choice: This option will populate a radio button or checkbox list of possible answers in Proposal Development. This allows you to create questions that have only one option (this is often useful in certification where No isn't actually a valid certification answer), or questions with a variable number of specific responses. Using this question type instead of the Lookup type also requires you to version the Question if you change the options available, which is sometimes desirable. The following required fields will populate the Question document when this is selected.
- The number of possible answers is _____, not exceeding the number of text areas presented: This allows you to build validation around a multi-select question where multiple answers are possible, but not necessarily all options. If you put a 1 in this field then the list will render as radio buttons and the user will only be able to make a single selection. If you enter a number that is more than 1, but less than the number of potential answers listed in the Multi-Choice panel then the user will be given an error if they try to save a question with more answers than you have listed as allowable. If you enter a number equal to the number of options listed in the Multi-Choice panel then the user will be able to enter some or all of the answers available.
- Multi-Choice Prompt: This is the answer that will be stored in the database if the user selects this answer.
- Multi-Choice Description: This description text is not stored in the database, but is displayed under the answer on the question as guidance for the user.
- Number: This field will only accept numbers. The following required fields will populate the Question document when this is selected.
- The user will be presented with _____ text boxes: This defines how many numbers the user can enter.
- The maximum length of the number in character is ____: This field type doesn't accept a number range limiting answers but does allow you to limit the number of digits that can be entered.
- The number of possible answers is _____, not exceeding the number of text boxes presented: This value should match the value entered in the number of text boxes field.
- Text: This field will accept any string of text with numbers, letters, spaces, or punctuation. The following required fields will populate the Question document when this is selected.
- The user will be presented with _____ text areas: This defines how many answers the user can enter.
- Maximum length of each response in characters: ______: This limits how many characters the user can enter in their question response. The system will prevent them from typing beyond this limit.
- Note: If the Maximum length of each response in characters is 300 or more this will appear as a text box in Proposal Development. If it's less than 300 then it will appear as a simple one line text field.
- The number of possible answers is _____, not exceeding the number of text areas presented: This number should be the same as the number of text areas value.
- Yes/No: This option will display a Yes and No radio button for the user and they will only be able to select one option. There are no further configuration options for this question type.
- Yes/No/NA: This option will display a Yes, No, and N/A radio button for the user and they will only be able to select one option. There are no further configuration options for this question type.
- Date: This selection will create a date field and a Date selector widget in Proposal Development. The following required fields will populate the Question document when this is selected.
Once you have completed the fields above, including all the details necessary for your question type press the submit button. Complete this process for all new questions needed to build or modify your Questionnaire documents. When you have entered all of your questions complete the steps in the Maintenance - Create a Questionnaire article.
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