The Comments, Notes & Attachments tab of the Award document has three panels of Comments, Notes, and Attachments where you can enter additional information or attachments associated with the Award record. Below outlines the various areas sections and how to use each.
The available Comment panel options are controlled via the Award Comment Screen flag in the Comment Type maintenance table. When the table has a “Yes” value, the Comments section will display expandable subsections for that Comment Type.
To enter text in the comment panels you can directly enter or click the pencil icon to expand a larger text entry window.
Also the system provides a means to view all previous comment versions when there is a history available. Only one new version of a comment per Award version is permitted regardless of how many times an Award version is saved (or how many changes are made) prior to submission.
Also, comments can be pulled from a Sponsor template and utilize the sync action buttons to automatically pull the information. The sync action is available only when the Award is open in edit mode (NOT display mode). Click the sync to template button to overwrite current comments in an award with default values from a sponsor template, if and only if a sponsor template has been applied to the Award. If a Sponsor Template comment is blank for a particular Comment Type, and there is an existing comment of that type already in the Award, the sync action will leave the Award comment unchanged.
Also, additional configuration around comments and sync is controlled via the scope.sync.COMMENTS_TAB.AwardComment.commentTypeCode parameter. This is a comma delimited list of comment type codes to sync on the Comments Tab.
The Notes section of the Comments, Notes & Attachments tab allows you to enter additional notes regarding the award. It will display when the note was entered, who entered it, the topic, and the full note text. The note text has a limit of 4000 characters.
The Attachments section of the Comments, Notes & Attachments page allows you to add attachments to the award record with an Attachment Type and Description. It also gives the user the option to open/download each file individually or download all.
NOTE: The system does not require you to initiate an award version to add attachments. You can add attachments to a FINAL award version and it will save to that specific version only. Be aware if you save an attachment to a prior FINAL version it will not carry forward to the current award version. It is recommended to always add attachments to the last active version of the award. Also, make sure to not add to current active FINAL if a pending award version is present since it also won't carry forward to the pending/saved award version.
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