The new AutoPost feature relates to the Finance API functionality that allows you to integrate Kuali Awards with your institution's local financial system and post information. Users have the ability to send this transaction information manually by clicking the 'Post' button in either an Award or Time & Money document of Kuali Research. However, with the new AutoPost parameters enabled the system will automatically post the information without requiring the user to click the necessary Post button. The newly added parameters are:
- Tm_auto_post_enabled: when set to true any Time & Money document that goes to FINAL will automatically post.
- award_auto_post_enabled: when set to true any Award document that goes to FINAL will automatically post.
So if you have no workflow associated with either of your Award or Time & Money documents then the posts will occur immediately after you submit. If you have workflow associated it will get automatically posted after the last approval and the document goes to FINAL status.
Related Parameters
The below parameters are also related to the API functionality and the Award Finance API article gives more background and overview of the functionality also.
- AWARD_POST_ENABLED: when set to Y this enables the display of the Account Creation panel and enables the Post button and the Award Post History panel within the Award document.
- DISPLAY_ACCOUNT_BALANCES: when set to Y this enables the display of the fields intended for information coming back into Kuali from an institution’s financial system: budgeted, pending, income, expense, available.
- TM_POST_ENABLED: when set to Y this enables the Post button on the Time & Money document and the Time & Money Post History panel within the Award document.
- AWARD_BUDGET_POST_ENABLED: when set to 1 this enables the Post button on the Award Budget document.
- awardBudgetStatusPosted: this maps the award budget status of “queued” (see the Award Budget Status maintenance document for the appropriate code) to be triggered when the Post button is clicked.
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