The search option in the Dashboard menu is omni search functionality that allows you to search across all sponsored modules (Proposal, IP, Award, Negotiations, Subaward) by a single criteria and by a subset of criteria. This allows additional flexibility for search needs beyond the existing lookups (i.e. Proposal, Award, etc.) that are limited to the given module. This search will only return records if you've been granted the appropriate permissions/roles to view the associated Proposal, Institutional Proposal, Negotiation, Award, or Subaward documents.
Using Search
When you initially navigate to Search it will have the 'Search Everywhere' option selected which allows you to search by a given entry across all sponsored modules and all fields within these document types. After entering a value in the field you can simply hit enter or the Go button on the far right to initiate the search.
The search results will display every record where that entry exists across all Document Types.
Please note the following when searching:
- Dashes in search criteria (i.e. 000594-00001) will be treated as a space so it's best to only search by the prefix when searching by categories like Award Number (i.e. 000594) or alternatively you can search the entire award number using quotes to bring back the exact award (i.e. "000594-00001").
- By default every time a document is saved, created, routed, etc. via the document service in our code, that change will be updated in the elastic search index immediately. However, for Document Types that do versioning (Award, Subaward, IP) there may be instances where there will be duplicate rows returned of the same record. This is because upon editing a record you'll now see the active version and the initiated pending version - once finalized only the updated active version will display.
The number of results returned per page is limited to 10 but in the bottom right hand corner you can choose a larger number of rows per page (up to 100). You can also cycle through the pages using the arrow buttons.
If you want to search by a specific category rather than searching everywhere you can click the dropdown of Search Everywhere to open the category options.
Once criteria is selected you will see the added filters below the search screen. You can clear out categories by click the x button to remove or if you desire to remove all you can use the Clear All option.
Also, the Search Everywhere option will allow one entry for a given search so if you want to search across all modules by a certain criteria but also apply specific category filters you should add those first and then apply the search everywhere option last. In addition, if you search by a given entry under Search Everywhere but decide to use criteria instead you can change the dropdown to a specific selection and click go again; it will retain the entered value.
When searching by a category you can search multiple selections in the same category by using an OR function like below - which will return any record that has Award Transaction Type Code of 1, 2, or 3:
The display columns can also be configured by user by selecting the Show/Hide Columns button in the top right hand corner.
This gives a list of fields to select to return as columns in the search results screen. Any checked items will be a column in the results and the order of the fields can be changed by dragging and dropping the fields using the left icon.
The Remember my choices will make the options permanent for your search results view until you modify again. If you uncheck this then the selections will only be for that session use.
Also within the Show/Hide options you can use the Quick Actions to make a number of selections or restore the system default selections.
Within the Sort options you can organize the column fields alphabetically or pull all the checked fields to the very top to order as desired.
Any results from the search then can be exported as a CSV via the Export as CSV option; be aware this lookup and results are not meant to be a formal reporting of information out of the system.
Saving & Sharing Searches
You also have the ability to save and share searches with other users in the Search Records of the Dashboard.
There are two ways to save a search once a search has been performed. The first is by simply bookmarking the URL after entering your search criteria and clicking 'GO'. However, you can also use the Saved Searches option after entering your criteria so you can access at a later time.
Once clicked you can save the existing search with a desired label using the 'Save the current search' field and clicking 'save'. Once saved they will appear in the lower section where you can select them or update/delete as needed.
Please note: this functionality is saved to the local browser search which means it will not be available on another browser when the user logs in, but you can share the search with another user who can save it to their browser. Additionally, the saved searches will disappear if the cookies and cache are cleared in the local browser.
You can also share a saved search with other users at your institution a couple ways. The first is simply copy the URL after entering the search criteria and sharing. Or you can utilize the Share option once you're in the desired search which will provide the url.
Once you click on Share it will bring up a popup that has the URL that you can copy via the Copy URL link. Once copied you can share that with users to use themselves as needed.
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