The Kuali Research Dashboard provides configuration options to display or hide various pieces of the dashboard at a global or user specific level. Below outlines how to enable the entire dashboard UI, Proposal Workload Assignment card, and also the different configuration options within the dashboard at a global/user level.
More information on using the Kuali Research Dashboard can be found in the Dashboard section of the knowledge base.
NOTE: On premise implementers will also need Core to run the new dashboard.
Dashboard Configuration
The Configuration link on the left sidebar allows you to configure what displays at a global level in the rest of the Kuali Research interface for all users. Users with Admin in their Core user profile will have access to the Configuration tab option in the sidebar.
Within the Configuration you can toggle on/off certain options that display in the Common Tasks, All Links, and Dashboard Home sections of the dashboard. For hosted customers, some modules may not be accessible by default based on their subscription of services. You can also set general setting configurations.
In General settings you can set the appropriate workflow stop in the 'Workload Balancing Priority Stop' field which determines which stop is used for proposals listed in the Proposal Workflow Assignments card in the Dashboard Home page. Also, be aware that the priority route stop configured will pull all members of that stop as available options in the pick list for Assigned Approver field in the Proposal workload assignments card of the Dashboard.
You can also enable the 'Enforce Workload Balancing Table Permissions' which if enabled will only show the Proposal workload assignments card if the user has the appropriate permissions to view records in the card. If disabled (default) the Proposal workload assignments card will show for all users. Lastly, you can enable pulling Supplemental Info fields in the omnisearch tool on Search Records via the last toggle which will pull in Supplemental Info (aka Custom Data) fields in as available fields and category in search records.
Card Level Permissions
Kuali allows institutions to control the availability of a dashboard card globally in the Dashboard Configuration screen mentioned above. Additionally, each card has a distinct permission that allows a more customizable experience. By default, these permissions are included for all users in the “User” role (Kuali namespace). When a configuration has been changed to turn on a card globally, all users will see that card. If your institution wants to reserve a card for a more distinct subset of users, remove the card permission from the Kuali User role and add it to the role of the users who should see the card. these permissions only work as unqualified memberships, aka Default roles or derived roles that don’t take any qualifiers (e.g. the User role that everyone gets).
Dashboard Card Permissions:
- KC-PD: View Proposals Routing To Me Card
- KC-PD: View Proposals Not Routing Card
- KC-IP: View Institutional Proposals Work In Progress Card
- KC-AWARD: View Awards Work In Progress Card
- KC-SUBAWARD: View Subawards Work In Progress Card
- KC-NEGOTIATION: View Negotiations Card
- KC-ADM: View Proposal Workload Assignments Card
User Specific Configuration
Within the Dashboard Home link individual users can set their own preferences of what displays in the Dashboard Main sections.
The Show/hide sections button in the top righthand corner gives users a toggle window to display what's in their personal Dashboard Main page. They will only have card options that are configured globally in Dashboard Configuration and also given with card level permissions as explained above. These settings only apply to the specific user.
Related Parameter(s)
To enable the new Kuali Research dashboard and the Proposal Workload Assignments functionality you can set the Dashboard_Mode_Enabled parameter to true.
The Proposal Workload Assignments card available in the Dashboard gives users with the appropriate permission the ability to assign proposals to individuals in a specified workflow stop. More information on using this functionality can be found in the Dashboard Home article. To have the assign ability in the Proposal Workload Assignments users must have the Permission 'Assign Proposal Development Workload Approver' (RESBOOT-1008) - this permission is automatically included in the OSP Administrator role.
Also, there is the 'Use Document Index' permission (KC1040) which is part of the Technical Administrator role by default which gives users the ability to utilize the 'Index Documents' option in All Links. The Index Documents allows users to manually re-index a document that isn’t showing the most up to date information in the Research Dashboard. Within the Index Documents option you can then enter document number(s) of records you need refreshed in the Dashboard and then click 'submit'.
After submit you should see the data updated accordingly for the given record. This could be used in cases where you're performing API updates and want the data reflected in the Dashboard and Omni-search or if the record for whatever reason is stuck displaying outdated data.
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