The Kuali Research Dashboard is the new streamlined and efficient user interface for the Kuali Research system. It offers links to all functionality but also the new Dashboard Home that gives users more tools to manage in-progress documents and assign in progress proposals for approval review in the Proposal Workload Assignments section. Below goes through the different sections/options within the the Kuali Research Dashboard. More information on using and configuring the Kuali Research Dashboard can be found in the Dashboard section of the knowledge base.
NOTE: On premise implementers will also need Core to run the new dashboard.
- Dashboard Home - New main page for the Kuali Research system that allows you to track document progress and manage the All Routing Proposals queue.
- Search - The omni search allows you to search across all modules with any keyword or filter by a number a predetermined filters.
- Common Tasks - A place where you can easily access your most common tasks whether that's searching, creating new records, or other actions. Also available is the search option at the top to give easy access to any system action.
- All Links - To access all available links in the system or search available options at the top.
- Reports - If user has the Global Reports role they will have the Reports link to take them to the reporting tool.
- Configuration - Where a system admin can configure what is available in the dashboard, common tasks, and links pages for the institution.
- Help - This is the configurable link for system help, whether that's directing to a local documentation reference or email address or our general knowledge base articles on our support portal. This is controlled via the feedback.link.url parameter.
- About - Will display the current version information for Kuali Research.
- Logout - Gives the user the option to log out of the Kuali Research system.
- Profile - Allows you to see which user is logged into the system and more information on the user profile in Core.
- Switch Apps - Gives you the option to switch to different applications within the system (Research, COI, Protocols, Groups, Users).
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