The Kuali Research Dashboard Home is the main page that users will be directed when going to the Kuali Research system. Dashboard Home gives users tools to manage in-progress documents and assign in progress proposals for approval review in the Proposal Workload Assignments section. Users can also get back to the main dashboard via the left hand menu option of Dashboard Home.
Within Dashboard Home is a number of cards that will help users track documents in the system that require their action or documents they've initiated and not yet submitted. Each card has Sort by options in the top right hand corner so you can change the default sort logic and it will save the selected preference for each user.
The default sort order for each card before any adjustments is as follows:
- Proposals routing to me: steps away ascending
- Proposals not routing: proposal number ascending
- Institutional Proposals work in progress: proposal number ascending
- Awards work in progress: award number ascending
- Subawards work in progress: subaward number ascending
- Proposal workload assignments: last action date descending
There is also the Filter option in the top right hand corner that allows you to narrow down results in a given card by a number of criteria. Users are able to apply multiple filters on each card and filters will remain applied after opening a document or logging out. Clicking on the filter icon will open up the Add Filter box where a user can choose the type of filter and add the filter information. The filter field is responsive and will be applied as you type, delete, or make any changes. Filters applied are indicated by the icon on the top of the card. Clicking on the x will delete the filter.
The Compliance button option when clicked for a given record will display Compliance entries added in the specific Proposal, IP, or Award record via the Compliance tab (aka Special Review). This does not link to information from Kuali Protocols or Kuali COI modules but only information directly entered in the given record on the Compliance tab.
The dashboard card options can be configured at an institutional level and user specific level. Also, to use the Proposal Workload Assignment section will require additional configuration. More information on using and configuring the Kuali Research Dashboard can be found in the Dashboard Configuration article. And more information about the function of each dashboard card is described below.
NOTE: On premise implementers will also need Core to run the new dashboard.
Proposals routing to me
The Proposal routing to me card will display any proposal where the logged in user is in the workflow path for the document. It will display if you're up for approval (it's currently in your Action List) or how many steps away in the routing it is until it's in your Action List. It will also let you know if you're an Alternate approver on the proposal rather than the primary approver. You can click on the row in the card to open the record and take the necessary action. Once you take the workflow action the proposal will drop off the Proposals routing to me card.
Proposals not routing
The Proposals not routing card will show you all proposals that are saved/initiated but not yet submitted into workflow. It will display all proposals where the user has view rights for the given proposal. Once the proposal is submitted into routing it will no longer be display in this card.
Work in progress cards
The Institutional Proposals work in progress, Awards work in progress, and Subaward work in progress cards will show you all Institutional Proposal, Award, and Subaward records that are saved/initiated but not finalized. It allows you to manage documents that are still outstanding and need to be submitted. It will display all records where the user has view rights for the given document.
The Negotiations card focuses on providing transparency and easing the workflow of negotiations and associated activities. Initially, this card will populate with documents for ‘In Progress” negotiations when the logged in user is the Negotiator or the Principal Investigator on an associated document. Both the negotiator as well as the PI will appear in the card to help clarify the primary people involved. Links on the card can direct the user to the negotiation or to the associated document, such as an award. Navigation links will still rely on system permissions. If your institution utilizes the follow-up dates functionality in negotiation activities, the new card will also indicate if the follow up is overdue. You can use the ‘show activities’ for a quick snapshot of activity type and location information to better understand the status without having to navigate into the full negotiation.
Proposal workload assignments
The Proposal workload assignments card in Dashboard Home gives users with the appropriate permission the ability to assign proposals to individuals in a specified workflow stop. This can be used to better handle workload management at a particular stop (i.e. OSP Approval) and the option to assign a reviewer from that stop to be the formal approver for the given document.
The Proposal workload assignments card will show proposals that are currently enroute. Also, this section will be visible to all users by default unless you enable the 'Enforce Workload Balancing Table Permissions' in Configuration which will only show the Proposal workload assignments card if the user has the appropriate permissions to view records in the card. If disabled (default) the Proposal workload assignments card will show for all users. So if this card is enabled it will be visible to everyone, although if they attempt to open a record they don't have view rights to it will prevent that action.
To have the assign ability in the Proposal workload assignments users must have the Permission 'Assign Proposal Development Workload Approver' (RESBOOT-1008) - this permission is automatically included in the OSP Administrator role. And the priority route stop configured in Dashboard Configuration will pull all members of that stop as available options in the pick list for Assigned Approver field in the Proposal workload assignments card of the Dashboard.
To make an Assignment you can click on the 'Choose Person' button in the Assigned Approver column and lookup/select from the available members of the workflow stop.
If you want to remove an Assigned Approver you can simply click the X button next to the name of the user and reassign as necessary. Once a proposal passes the configured priority workflow stop (after it has been approved at that stop) the option to assign a proposal will no longer be available.
Once selected the Assigned Approver will also display in the Summary/Submit tab of the proposal.
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