If you are a hosted customer with Kuali Research then system reports are available on the Reports tab to users with the appropriate permissions. When in the Sponsored Projects Dashboard the permission required to enable the Report tab option for a user is 'Run Global Reports' which is a part of the 'Run Global Reports' and 'KC SuperuserOSP' roles by default - but be aware this will give access to all reports within the Reports tab. These reports are only available to hosted customers currently and not to on-premise implementations.
This table outlines the pre-configured reports that are available in the Reports tab within the Research > Classic folder. The data tables for each of these are available in a separate view, stored in the Data folder. These reports are only available to hosted customers currently and not to on-premise implementations.
More information on using the reporting tool can be found in the Reports section of the Knowledge Base in our support portal.
Pre-Configured Research Report Descriptions
Category |
Report |
Business Questions Answered by this Report |
Available Filters |
Awards |
Amounts |
How many awards have been received during a given fiscal period by a given unit or units, and what is the total cumulative obligated amounts of those awards? |
Notice Date, Parent Unit, Lead Unit, Fiscal Year |
Awards |
General |
How many awards have been received to date, and what are key data elements for each award? What is the current total cumulative obligated and anticipated amount associated with each award? |
Notice Date, Lead Unit, Parent Unit, Grandparent Unit, Award Status, Award Type, Activity Type, Award Transaction Type, Sponsor Name, Sponsor Type, Prime Sponsor Name, Prime Sponsor Type, Years in Date |
Awards |
Cost Share |
How many awards with cost share have been received to date, and what are key data elements for the cost share? What account is providing the cost share, and what account is the cost share being directed to. What unit is responsible for the cost share? How much cost share is there per period, and how much of it has been met. |
Award Notice Date, Award ID, Award Status, Principal Investigators, Award Overall Sponsor Type, Sponsor Name, Prime Sponsor Name, Award Type, Lead Unit, Parent Unit, Cost Share Source, Cost Share Unit Number, Cost Share Type Code, Project Start Date, Project End Date, Obligation Start Date, Obligation End Date, Award Sequence Status |
Awards |
Credit Splits |
How many awards have been received to date, and what are key data elements for each award? What is the current total cumulative obligated and anticipated amount associated with each award? How do these amounts reflect the investigator and unit credit split percentage specified in the award record? |
Lead Unit, Parent Unit, Grandparent Unit, Award Status, Sponsor Name, Sponsor Type, Prime Sponsor Name, Prime Sponsor Type, Account Number, Activity Type, Award Transaction Type |
Awards |
Transactions |
What transactions have taken place over the selected fiscal period, and what type of transactions were they? What was the date and change amounts associated with each transaction? What type of award, and what sponsors were these transactions associated with? |
Award Transaction Notice Fiscal Date, Update Date, Lead Unit, Parent Unit, Grandparent Unit, Award Status, Sponsor Name, Sponsor Type, Prime Sponsor Name, Prime Sponsor Type, Account Number, Award Transaction Type, TNM Transaction Type |
Awards |
Foreign Influence Comments (beta) |
Which awards include foreign sponsors and what are the key data points from those awards that must be included in an institution's 117 report. This report assumes term details are included in a comment type. |
Notice Date, Include Non US Sponsor, Sponsor Type, Prime Sponsor Type, Comment Type, Obligation Total, Hierarchy Name |
Awards |
Foreign Influence Sponsor Terms (beta) |
Which awards include foreign sponsors and what are the key data points from those awards that must be included in an institution's 117 report. This report assumes term details are listed as award sponsor terms. |
Notice Date, Include Non US Sponsor, Sponsor Type, Prime Sponsor Type, Sponsor Term Description, Obligation Total, Hierarchy Name |
Institutional Proposals |
General |
How many proposals have been submitted over a given fiscal period, and what are key data elements for each proposal? |
Deadline Fiscal Date, Lead Unit, Parent Unit, Grandparent Unit, Proposal Type, Proposal Status, Activity Type, Sponsor Name, Sponsor Type, Prime Sponsor Name, Prime Sponsor Type, Proposal Sequence Status, Proposal Log Flag, Principal Investigators, Central Admin Contact, Unit Admin Contact |
Institutional Proposals |
Cost Share |
How many proposals that include cost share have been submitted to date, and what are key data elements for each source of cost share? What accounts will provide this cost share if the proposal is funded, and what units are responsible for the cost share commitment. |
IP Create Date, Proposal Number, Proposal Type, Proposal Status, Activity Type, Lead Unit, Parent Unit, Proposal Overall Sponsor Type, Sponsor Name, Prime Sponsor Name, Cost Share Unit, Cost Share Project Period, Cost Share Source Account, Cost Share Amount, Cost Share Type Code, Proposal Sequence Status |
Institutional Proposals |
Credit Splits |
How many proposals have been submitted to date, and what are key data elements for each proposal? What is the total proposed amount, for both the initial period and the total project period, associated with a given proposal or proposals? How do these amounts reflect the investigator and unit credit split percentage specified in the institutional proposal record? |
Start Date, Lead Unit, Credit Split Parent Unit Name, Credit Split Unit Name, Person Name, Person Role, Proposal Number, Title, Activity Type, Proposal Status, Proposal Type, Prime Sponsor Name, Prime Sponsor Type, Sponsor Name, Sponsor Type, Credit Type |
Negotiations |
Activity |
What activities are associated with a given negotiation, and what is the status, type, and location of each of those activities? |
Activity Fiscal Start Date, Activity Fiscal End Date, Status, Association Type, Negotiator, Location, Activity Type |
Negotiations |
General |
What is the status of all negotiations, and what are key data elements associated with each negotiation? |
Fiscal Start Date, Fiscal End Date, Status, Negotiator, Agreement Type, Association Type, Lead Unit, Sponsor, Prime Sponsor |
Proposal Development |
General |
What is the status of each proposal development record, and what are key data elements associated with each proposal? When are these proposals due? |
Deadline Fiscal Date, Grandparent Unit, Parent Unit, Owned By Unit, Proposal Type, Proposal Status, Activity Type, Sponsor Name, Sponsor Type, Prime Sponsor Name, Prime Sponsor Type, Proposal Log Flag |
Proposal Logs |
General |
How many proposal log records were created during a given fiscal period? What is that status of each proposal log record, and what are key data elements associated with each proposal log? |
Deadline Fiscal Date, Proposal Log Status, Proposal Type, Sponsor Name, Proposal Log Flag |
Subawards |
General |
How many outgoing subawards have been issued during a given fiscal period? What awards are they associated with, and what is their status? What are the total obligated and anticipated amounts associated with each outgoing subaward? |
Subaward Execution Fiscal Date, Subaward Type, Subaward Status |
Additional Admin Level Reports
These are admin level reports that allow you to see Roles and Permissions and Sponsor information in your local Kuali Research and the users assigned to each.
Category |
Report |
Business Questions Answered by this Report |
Available Filters |
Admin |
Institution Permissions |
Lists all system permissions. |
Permission Name, Permission Active |
Admin |
Institution Role Permissions |
Lists all system roles with associated permissions |
Role Name, Role Active, Permission Active |
Admin |
Institution Roles |
Lists all system roles. |
Role Name, Role Active |
Admin |
Sponsor Info |
Sponsor detail information like type, address, code etc. |
Sponsor Code, Sponsor Type Code, Sponsor Type, Hierarchy Name, Sponsor Name, Sponsor Active, Hierarchy Membership List |
Admin |
User Permissions |
Lists all permissions (with associated roles) assigned to a user. |
Role Name, Role Active, User Active, Permission Name, Permission Active, Last Name |
Admin |
User Roles |
Lists all Roles assigned to a user. |
Role Name, Role Active, User Active, Last Name |
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