As a COI administrator in Form Designer COI you can configure the COI system notifications to meet your institutional needs. When enabled the system generated notifications will send to the configured users upon the specified COI action (i.e. approval, expiration, etc.). Below is an overview of how to enable, maintain, and customize the available notifications for COI in Kuali Research Protocols.
Be aware, if in General Configuration you've enabled 'Automatically approve annual disclosures that do not have any Financial Entities' then no notifications are sent in auto-approve scenarios.
Accessing COI Customize Notifications
Users assigned to Administrator role(s) have access to the Customize Notifications option in the Configuration menu.
In the Customize Notifications menu all available email Notifications can be viewed, edited, and enabled for use in the COI module. Once a change has been made the below two action buttons become available in the top righthand corner. If you make any updates to the notifications or templates you will need to click the 'Save' button for the changes to take effect.
Notifications Log
The View Notification Log option will allow you to view the COI notifications that have gone out in Kuali Research COI so you can better troubleshoot any notification questions.
When clicked it will open the Notification Log where you can see the list of notifications by date (newest listed at the top) and page thru the results to get to older entries if needed.
This list gives high level information of the notification but if you click on Details on an entry you can see the actual message sent.
Within the Customize Notifications panel you can enable or disable the system generated emails that go to specified recipients on a number of COI actions. To enable or disable you can use the toggle on the far right - when blue and the switch is in the far right position the notification is active.
Once active you can click on the specific notification link to customize the text and recipients - more information on editing the notification is in the next section.
Editing Notifications
The notifications can be edited to include your own custom content and specify the desired recipients. You can also configure whether the user can edit the notification prior to sending. To open the edit popup window simply click on the Notification Title. In edit modal you can specify the desired recipients and add more by adding in the 'Specified Users' section - this will search against available Core users.
In the Message Template you can edit and customize the notification email Subject and Body to meet your institutional needs. You can also use data variables to insert available fields that will dynamically pull information from the given disclosure into the notification. For example, if you include {{EXPIRATION_DATE}} in the text of your email it will pull the given expiration date from the record and insert it into the email text automatically when sent. The next section gives more detail on the available variables you can use in the COI notifications.
The Customization checkbox, if enabled, will cause the notification popup to appear on the action in the disclosure so you have the option of editing the notification/recipients prior to sending.
When the desired changes have been made be sure to click the 'Done' button or 'Cancel' if you want to return to the Configuration page without any changes.
NOTE: The 'An annual COI disclosure is about to expire' notification also has the ability to add additional reminder intervals. This allows a COI Admin to set up additional reminders for disclosures nearing their expiration date so reporters are notified multiple times in advance to update their disclosures before they expire. The Expiration reminder is based on the last Submission Date of their disclosure and will expire based on their configuration to use either Statice or Rolling Due Date. Be aware, that the Expiration Reminder notifications will get triggered as part of the COI Expiration Job configured in Schedule System Job so this must be setup to send reminders as desired.
COI Email Notification Data Variables
When setting up COI Email Notifications in the Customize Notifications section of COI Configuration, some data variables can be included to pull in specific data into the Subject and Body of the notification. Below is a list of the full set of data variables that can be used in COI Notifications.
Most variables should be self-explanatory except for the following:
{{NOW}} is the notification trigger date.
{{PROJECT_INFORMATION}} variable includes the following data elements for Projects that are included in the Project Declarations of the Annual Disclosure:
Not all data variables will apply to all notifications so we listed data variables below under general types of notifications. If data are not available to be populated for a variable then nothing will be displayed in the notification for that variable. For example, {{REVIEW_COMPLETED}} would display nothing in the "Notify COI admin when a new disclosure is submitted by a reporter" notification.
List of Variables
General variables:
- {{NOW}}
Disclosure variables:
Reviewer variables:
Project variables:
- {{NOW}}
Delegate variables:
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