Kuali Research Conflict of Interest provides functionality that supports the reporter's assessment of their disclosed relationships on their research projects before submitted to COI Admins for review.
The Declaration options configured will then be used when you utilize the Project Declaration gadgets in the template. More information on project gadgets in the template can be found in the COI - Configuration - Project Requirements article. Below outlines how to configure the Disposition options.
Accessing COI Declarations
To configure the options available to support your institution’s local policies and practices COI Admins have access to Declarations in Configuration.
You can add additional options for Declaration via the +Add Another option.
Once a declaration option is added you can use the pencil icon to edit or the deactivate option to remove the option from the dropdown (but remain for historical purposes).
Typically the order of the configured declarations dictate the level of severity of the declaration. The top declaration is the highest level of risk, whereas, the last option has the least amount of risk. To move the order of the Declarations you can utilize the up/down arrows next to the options.
Once changes are made you will need to click on the Save button to take affect; or Cancel if you want to discard your changes.
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