Negotiation Basics → Negotiation Panel
Consolidated key identifying information and dates about the Negotiation and the grant document it is associated with.
Field Name | Definition / Use |
Header |
The text at the top of this panel shows Negotiation {Negotiation ID}. The Negotiation ID is a unique identifier assigned by the system to each Negotiation. |
Negotiation Status |
This indicates the status of the Negotiation. The behavior of this dropdown is defined by the negotiationInProgressStatusCodes, CLOSED_NEGOTIATION_STATUS, and negotiationCompletedStatusCodes parameters. |
Negotiator |
This is the individual assigned to this Negotiation within the OSP office. This field is linked to the Person lookup, and displays the username of the individual listed. |
Agreement Type |
This is the type of agreement being negotiated. The Negotiation document can be used for several different types of negotiation in a single implementation, and this is the primary field used to identify what a specific Negotiation is for. |
Negotiation Start Date |
This is the day Negotiation began on this document. This field will default to the date the Negotiation was created, but can be modified by the Negotiator to fit an institution's business process. |
Negotiation End Date |
This is the day Negotiation concludes on this document. This field is automatically populated when a Negotiation is put into a status listed in the negotiationCompletedStatusCodes parameter, but it can be modified once the Negotiation is put in a complete status to fit an institution's business process. |
Negotiation Age in Days |
This is a read only field calculated based on the number of days since the Negotiation Start Date. |
Anticipated Award Date |
This is the date the Negotiation is expected to be complete. This field is often used in reporting to identify overdue Negotiations that need additional attention. |
Document Folder |
This field is used if an institution stores any files outside of the Negotiation system. It is generally a URL or folder path that points to the external attachments that apply to the record. This field is often used by institutions who have done data conversion into Negotiation, but did not convert their attachments. |
Negotiation Attributes | |
Negotiation Association Type |
This field shows which type of document the Negotiation is linked to. Negotiations can be linked to Proposal Logs, Institutional Proposals, Award, or Subawards. They can also be linked to None. If they are linked to another document in the system the following fields will be populated with data from the linked document as read only. If this field is set to None the following fields will be editable and unique to this Negotiation. |
Title |
This is the project Title, and will populate with all Negotiation Association Types. |
Principal Investigator Employee |
This is the Principal Investigator on the project. This field will only populate if the PI is pulled from the Kuali Person records. This field will populate with a Proposal Log, IP, or Award linkage. |
Principal Investigator Non-Employee |
This is the Principal Investigator on the project. This field will only populate if the PI is pulled from the Addressbook. This field will populate with a Proposal Log, IP, or Award linkage. |
Admin Person |
This is the individual who is the primary admin on this record in the Units. This field will not populate with any document linkages, and is only available with a None association. |
Sponsor |
This is the Sponsor for this agreement. This field will populate with a Proposal Log, IP, or Award linkage. |
Sponsor Award ID |
This is the ID assigned by the sponsor on the Notice of Award. This field will only populate on an Award linkage. |
Lead Unit |
This is the primary unit responsible for this activities defined in the agreement. This field will populate with a Proposal Log, IP, or Award linkage. |
Prime Sponsor |
This is the originating sponsor in an agreement where funds are being passed through another institution. This will populate with an IP or Award linkage. |
Proposal Type |
This is the Proposal Type of the linked Proposal. This field will populate with a Proposal Log or IP linkage. This field is not available if a None association is selected. |
Subaward Organization |
This field lists the Organization a subaward is being issued to as part of the Negotiation. This field will only populate from a Subaward association. |
Requisitioner Name |
This is the person listed as the Requisitioner on the linked Subaward document. This field will only populate with a Subaward association and is not available if a None association is selected. |
Requistioner Unit |
This is the primary unit listed on a linked Subaward document. This field will only populate with a Subaward association and is not available if a None association is selected. |
Custom Data
This section contains institutionally defined supplemental information. These items may be used to collect data not captured by the baseline Kuali Research Negotiations module. Custom Data fields are displayed in subpanels within the Custom Data panel as specified when the custom data fields are configured.
Negotiation Basics → Activities
The Activities panel allows a negotiator to list individual activities that are taking place during the negotiation of an agreement. Several of the activities can take place in parallel. This allows another user to pickup a negotiation and get up to speed very quickly in the case that the original negotiator is unable to take a necessary action on a Negotiation.
Field Name | Definition / Use |
Location |
This field indicates where an Activity takes place. If an institution is using Start and End dates for their Activities it is useful to think of the Location being where the activity is while it is open. An Agreement Review activity likely takes place at the OSP office, while a "Waiting on response to redlines" activity likely takes place at the sponsor. |
Activity Type |
This is the type of activity taking place. Common activity types are email correspondence, document negotiation, phone call, etc. Some institutions will list more specific activities such as "budget review" to facilitate reporting on specific types of pending activities. |
Activity Start Date |
This is the date an activity begins. |
Activity End Date |
This is the date an activity concludes. Some institutions will always use the same date for the start and end date, and count each individual action as a separate activity (Example: Sending a partially executed agreement for signature, and receipt of fully executed agreement could be separate activities). Some institutions will combine actions like this into a single activity with a start and end date (Example: Partially Executed Document Pending Signature could list the day the partially executed agreement was sent to the sponsor as its start date, and the date the fully executed agreement was received from the sponsor as its end date). |
Follow-up Date |
This date is an optional tool Negotiators can use to set reminders for themselves about actions that need to be followed up on. For more details on this function see the Negotiations - Follow-up article. |
Activity Description |
This is where a Negotiator can list an Activity Description that will help them quickly identify what each Activity is about when they get back into a Negotiation. This field can be restricted so only individuals in the OSP office can see its contents. |
Attachments |
Each Activity can have any number of attachments linked to it. Each attachment has a description. These attachments and their descriptions can be restricted so only individuals in the OSP office can see them. |
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