The Hierarchy Actions section of the Award Actions page allows you to view key Award details and copy Award information. Additionally, it allows you to navigate to an Award to view it in its entirety from the hierarchy. Lastly, it provides a way for you to create and maintain a hierarchical parent/child structure for an Award.
Hierarchy Actions
The Award Hierarchy section provides a structured, graphical representation of a sponsored project in an expandable/collapsible tree view. There are many ways to implement the award hierarchy as described in the Award Hierarchy - Overview article.
Within the hierarchy tree you can use the folder and plus sign icons to expand the necessary elements in the hierarchy. If the folder icon has a + sign it represents that the folder is not yet opened; upon expanding the top level node in a hierarchy the additional children will display. You can also utilize the 'Collapse All' and 'Expand All' options at the top to do it one action. Also, on the far right of each award node there is a direct link to open the record in a separate tab; or go to the medusa tab directly in the award record.
Upon clicking the +sign icon to the right of the folder it will expand additional information about that award node specifically. It will also give you the Award Copy and New Child options.
Award Copy
- Copy Descendants - If descendants (aka child nodes) exist you can check this to include with the below two options.
- new - Allows you to establish a new KC Award document that is a copy of the currently-displayed award node, with a new document number.
- child of - Allows you to establish a copy of the currently-displayed award node with a new document number and specify that it be a child of an existing award either in the current hierarchy (via dropdown menu selection), or outside the current hierarchy (via lookup).
New Child
- new - Allows you to establish a new child in this hierarchy; a blank award document.
- copy from parent - Allows you to establish a new child in this hierarchy that IS a copy of the parent award.
- selected award - Allows you to establish a new child in this hierarchy that is a copy of any other award that is not currently the parent, either by dropdown menu selection (existing hierarchy) or by lookup (not in currently-accessed hierarchy)
Notes about Copying
Automatic Population When Copying: New child or copy actions result in automatic population of the following fields:
- Transaction Type – New
- Notice Date – Null
- Comments – Copied Award
- Add Document Numbers & Related Accounts* - Copied Award
Excluded Data Fields As A Result Of Copying:
- all Time & Money amounts
- all Budget information
- all Subawards information (Approved AND Funded)
- Payment Schedule information
- Sponsor Funding Transferred information
- Approved Equipment
- Approved Foreign Travel information
- Funding Proposals
- Notes
When you copy from an existing award (either as a new or child), the new award will include the credit split information along with the investigator and unit information from the record you copied.
*More information on how to enable this panel is available the Parameters - ENABLE_AWARD_ALTERNATE_NUMBERS article.
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