Access to a given protocol document is controlled two ways in Kuali Protocols. If a user is added to the People section of the main protocol you can give the user 'Full Access' or 'Read-Only' or no access (if nothing is checked). The People area of the main protocol is where critical personnel such as Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators, and Key Persons are added. However, any changes to this list of protocol People section requires an amendment to the protocol.
However, often there are administrative contacts you want to grant access to a protocol so they can make edits and adjustments to the data entry on a protocol form or simply view the protocol (i.e. Administrative Admin, Department Head, etc.). You can control general access to a protocol document via the Document Permission section of a protocol and can add/remove users at any stage of a protocol and it does not require an amendment to the protocol to make these updates. More information on how to use the Document Permissions in a protocol is described below.
Please note, when a user initiates a protocol they will automatically be added to the Permissions tab with 'Full Access' and if they are also key personnel for the protocol they should also be added to the People section of the protocol accordingly.
Also, to clarify what the level of access grants with the below options:
- Full Access: Gives the user ability to view/edit the entire protocol and take actions like submit, initiate an Amendment, Renewal, etc.
- Read-Only: Gives the user ability to view the entire protocol and any attachments but can make no updates or take actions on the protocol.
Lastly, more information on how to manage global roles in Kuali Protocols system can be found in the Managing Protocol Roles article.
Document Permissions
Using the ‘Permissions’ option on the protocol tab menu, users with full-access rights are able to add additional members to the protocol at any stage with either Full Access or Read Only access.
In the image above, a user navigates to the Permissions tab to view and edit existing personnel permissions.
The Document Permissions section of the protocol will allow you add users to the protocol and also view all users with current access to the protocol document. This includes users added in the Protocol Persons section of the protocol or added in the Document Permissions. Those users added in the People section of the protocol will display their access only; making modifications to their privileges must still be done in the People section via an amendment as traditionally done. Typically, additions to the Document Permissions tab of a protocol are reserved for those users who primarily serve as administrative contacts, making edits and adjustments to the data entry on a protocol form. Critical personnel such as Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators should still populated and added through the ‘People’ section of the main protocol form.
As shown above, a user with full access clicks the +Add User button and begins to add an additional person to the protocol and select their permissions.
Document permissions are presented currently to users with either read-only or full access but can be changed by any existing protocol personnel with full access. Any user with full access can add additional users, remove existing users, and change existing user’s permissions. Any changes to the Document Permissions are also tracked with entries in the protocol’s Activity Log.
Please note, you will only be able to edit the Permissions tab on the current/active version of the protocol and cannot make changes within prior Archived protocol versions.
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