Kuali Research has the capability to integrate with GrantForward so users can start a Kuali Proposal from the GrantForward interface. This requires that you have a GrantForward account for your institution and do some configuration outlined below to set up this integration. If you have any questions/issues with the configuration steps please feel free to submit a support ticket. Also, additional information on this functionality can be found in the general announcement here.
Configuration Instructions
Create an API key for the grant_forward_integration user in Kuali Users which you can access via the app switcher or go to /users in your local url.
Search for the existing GRANT_FORWARD_INTEGRATION user:
Click on the API Keys tab for the user:
Click Create Key:
Copy that key and paste into the Administrator Console - Integration Management in GrantForward by adding to the Kuali Integration URL after “access_token=”
For a customer the format would be:
https://(YOUR ENVIRONMENT URL HERE)/res/propdev/api/v1/grant-forward/?access_token=(YOUR API KEY HERE)
Note: the API token is only good for 1 year and will need to be renewed annually - the email configured for the GRANT_FORWARD_INTEGRATION user will get an email reminding them of the upcoming expiration. It would be best to update the GRANT_FORWARD_INTEGRATION user email to a general local email to best manage the API key.
In GrantForward, (user must have an administrator role to access Administrator Console):
- Click on Account Settings under name
- On Account section, see Institution Linking - confirm link to institutional subscription
- Click on Administrator Console - Integration
- Click on Kuali Integration tab - add Kuali Integration URL plus access token
User Instructions:
- Log in to GrantForward
- Search Grant Opportunities
- Click on Grant Opportunity under Grant Search Results
- Create Proposal button appears on the right side of screen
- Click on Create Proposal Button
- Kuali Log in screen opens
- Create Proposal From GrantForward screen displays
GrantForward information populates the GrantForward tabs if there is information in those fields in GrantForward record, blank if no information provided.
Click on a black square icon next to a field to expand the field and view full text.
Click on pop-out icon to open a URL in another tab:
Fill out required fields to Create Proposal.
- If GrantForward Sponsor name matches a sponsor in the system, the Sponsor field will display that sponsor.
- If there was not a match with a sponsor in Kuali, user should click on magnifying glass to search to see if there is an alternate spelling that exists in the system for the sponsor.
- If no sponsor exists, user will need to follow their institutional process to create a new Sponsor record
Click Save and Continue to Create Proposal.
Click on Sponsor & Program Information to display GrantForward information.
Note: the token in the url determines who “creates” the internal grantforward record (which will always be the grant_forward_user). Then when you are redirected to the “create” proposal screen, clicking “save” will save as whomever you are logged in as in Kuali.
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